Chapter 12

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~Meghan's dress

I woke up the next day curled beside Delilah. I kissed her head then stretched. She woke up at the touch of my lips. I laid back down petting her gently.

A couple of minutes later, I decided to get up and start my day. I dressed in a new shirt with sweatpants and brushed my hair down.

I opened my door and walked down the hallway with Delilah at my heels. I was surprised to find David on the couch asleep. What surprised me the most though was the person sleeping beside him, Meghan. 

Delilah left my legs and jumped on the couch waking both of them up with some good morning kisses. I put both my hands on my hips and waited for them to wipe their eyes and look at me.

Meghan saw me first, "Um... good morning, Americus."

David's eyes widened as he took notice of the six-year-old standing in front of him. 

"I hope you guys slept well," I said walking to the door and grabbing the leash, "I have a dog to take outside." I hooked Delilah to the leash and headed out the front door. 

I returned in just a couple of minutes and found the two sleeping beauties in the kitchen making breakfast. I released Delilah and headed straight for the pile of bacon on the table. 

We gathered at the table to eat the eggs, toast, and bacon prepared for our meal. I crunched into the toast and licked the crumbs off my lips. 

We all guzzled down our breakfast. When we finished we sat back and held our stomachs. Last night's dinner combined with today's breakfast had filled our tummy's to their capacity. 

I hopped up and grabbed a bowl and filled it with the dog food that David had put in the closet. I set it down beside the water bowl so that Delilah could eat. 

I ran to my room and got my gift from Meghan off my desk and rummaged through it to see what all she had gotten me. I took out markers, colored pencils, crayons, drawing books, erasers, and scissors. When I got to the last item tears immediately filled my eyes. 

I hugged the stuffed animal to my heart as tears flowed down my cheeks. Benji will forever be my best friend and no one can replace him. 

I ran to the living room to find David handing Meghan a package. I backed around the corner and peeked my head out in order to still see what was happening. 

Meghan gently opened the package to find a pretty little peach box with an off-white ribbon. She released the ribbon and lifted the lid. 

She gasped, "David, I'm... thank you," she had her hand on her mouth covering her smile. 

"Would you like me to put it on you?" 

She nods and he reaches for the necklace. He clasps it around her neck after she lifts her hair so he could see. When he finished she lifted the necklace so she could admire it again. 

"It's beautiful," she whispered

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"It's beautiful," she whispered.

"You're beautiful," shocked she looked up at him.  He leans in and kisses her on the lips. I repeat ON THE LIPS!!!! 

"Um... David? Meghan?" I step out from around the corner with my hands on my hips. 

They jumped apart and Meghan's fingers fly to her lips. 

"Now that you are done locking lips can we get back to reality?" I smile deviously.

They exchange a look. Something is wrong.

"What?" I ask them. Something isn't right. 

"Americus," David gets on his knees and puts his hands on my shoulders. 

"Americus, do you remember when I told you that you will have to leave some weekends?" Meghan questioned.

My eyes got wide as I realized what was happening, "No! I'm not leaving!"

"It's only for a weekend and you will be back on Monday," she tried to reassure me.

By this time tears were brimming my eyes. I knew I would have to go eventually but I was going to stall it as long as I could, "Who will take care of Delilah?" 

At the sound of her name, she rushed up to me. I acted like David and Meghan didn't flinch at her name. 

Then, I decided I wanted to know their reason, "Why don't you guys like her name?" I had noticed that David had called her my dog several times yesterday, not by her name.

They glanced at each other, "How about we get ready for your weekend," Meghan tried and succeeded at changing the subject.

She led me to my room to pack. As we made our way down the hall she turned back to David for a split second she looked sad.

We were packed in a couple of minutes and headed into the living room. David was seated on the couch with Delilah's head in his lap. I ran up to him and hugged him we both jolted as a warm fuzz tried to wedge between us. We pulled apart and laughed as Delilah stared at us. I leaned down and kissed her. 

I realized no one had answered my question earlier. 

I was opening my mouth to repeat my question when David read my mind and said, "I will take good care of her while you are gone I promise." 

I smiled up at him sadly. I hugged him again before saying, "And I promise I will be back soon."

I felt David stiffen and took it as my time to leave. I stood and grabbed my backpack from the floor that I had dropped there when I had rushed to David. 

He followed us to Meghan's car. He opened the trunk for us then ran to open Meghan's door for her and left me to have to open mine myself. 

I got buckled and stared as he leaned against her door and talked to her. He said something to make her laugh before he shut the door and she started the car. 

We waved as we pulled out of the driveway and down the road. He stood in the driveway until we couldn't see each other anymore. 

There was an ache in my heart as I watched the rain slowly start down the window.

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