Chapter 7

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~Imagined drawing of Benji

Meghan was at David's within twenty minutes.

I heard her car pull in and ran to the door. When she got to the door I surprised her by opening it.

"Hi, Meghan!" I smiled up at her. I was still giddy from hearing that I get to live with David again.

"Hello, Americus. May I come in?" She asked. She made a move to come in.

I stepped in her way, "What's the password," she looked at me confused.

David stepped up behind me, "Americus, let her in."

I looked up at him as he spoke because of the husky tone he used. I never heard him talk like that. As he said that, he looked at Meghan. I glanced at Meghan who's glossy eyes were staring into his.

I smiled. They fancied each other. I grabbed each of their hands and walked into the kitchen. We sat down at the table. I stared happily at them as they stumbled with their words.

Interrupting them I said, "You guys should get married," they both stopped and looked at me. Meghan blushed and David looked down and smiled.

"Now, Americus, we need to talk to you about living here," Meghan ignored my statement.

"What about it?" I said picking up a grape from the bowl David set in front of me.

"Well, for starters, if you ever feel neglected you can call me," David and I both looked at her in shock.

I was about to say something, but David beat me to it, "What you think I neglected her before?"

"No! It's just always a possibility and I am required to tell each kid," she assured us. She handed me a paper, "This has all my contact information that you may need."

I handed it back to her, "I won't be using it."

She looked at David and handed him the papers. "David, we also need to address your past."

"I thought we would get to this," he responded.

"The company is willing to give you a second chance considering that it has been two years since the accident. We hope that you have gotten over your addiction. I will just need you to sign a contract that states that you won't drink as long as Americus is in your care," she pushed a paper and pen in front of him.

I stared at him as he signed the paper. What did she mean by 'accident'? What did she mean by 'as long as Americus is in your care'? I thought I was here forever?

"David. I thought I was staying with you forever," I wasn't about to let them change that.

Meghan answered for him, "Well, Americus, I'm sorry but considering David's past he isn't allowed to adopt you."

Tears filled my eyes. David got up and hugged me as the tears filled both of our eyes.

"I don't want to go anywhere. I want to stay here with David," I said as we pulled out of the hug.

"You won't leave him forever, but you will leave for the weekends," she told us.

"I don't want to go."

"Americus, you have no choice."

"You can't make me do anything!" I jumped up.

"Americus calm down," David reached for me.

"I want to stay here. I don't want to leave again," tears poured down my face.

Meghan gathered her stuff, "We better get going."

I looked at her and saw the tears streaming down her face, too.

"Come on, Americus," she said as her voice cracked.

"Where are we going?"

My voice must've sounded scared because she laughed and assured me, "We will be back we just have to get your things from Grant and Cheryl's."

I followed her to her car and waved to David who was standing on his porch I yelled to him, "I will be back."

He smiled and waved. I got in and buckled. I was glad to be staying with David again.

All the while we drove to Grants I couldn't keep from smiling, so when we got there my cheeks hurt so bad.

Grant greeted us at the door with a worried look on his face.

"Mr.Frans, I'm Meghan. I will be taking Americus to her new foster home," Meghan showed him her badge.

"Why are you taking her? What do you mean 'new foster home'?" he frantically asked.

"You clearly couldn't keep track of her. She had to of been gone for at least three hours. Were you out looking for her? Did you call the police?"

He searched for his words, "Well...I was...uh..."

"That's what I thought. Americus will be getting her stuff now and then you can say goodbye. Go on and get you stuff, Americus. If you need help I will be up in a minute."

I ran upstairs and piled my belongings into a suitcase. I never knew I could pack so fast, but it felt like seconds later I was on my way down the stairs.

I walked into the living room where Meghan was talking to Grant.

The second they saw me the talking ceased.

"You ready to go?" she questioned.

I nodded.

Grant stood and walked over to me, "Americus, you know Cheryl and I love you. And our offer to take you to church still stands."

I hugged him, "You love me, not Cheryl. I think it would be better for me to leave."

Meghan grabbed the big suitcase and I grabbed the little things as we walked to her car. Grant stood on his porch and watched us pack Meghan's car.

I was going to miss him, but I knew it was better for both of us if I left.

I got in the car as Meghan drove me back to David's. I couldn't help but think about the talk Cheryl had with me.

What if there was a God out there? What if they were my way to Heaven?

I pushed those thoughts away as we turned onto David's street. The excitement filled me as we neared his house.

I knew I was upset about leaving Grant and somewhat Cheryl, but that didn't bother me as much as the others had. Of course, it upset me that Cheryl blamed me for remembering their daughter, but I didn't live there anymore so I didn't have to worry anymore.

I was back to where I belonged.

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