Famous Last Words

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| Alex |

"So tell us what's wrong, Al." Ash commands as she takes her usual seat - beside Ali, as we get coffee a few hours before practice.

"Yeah, you've been kinda quiet since yesterday." Ali adds her input before she sips her coffee.

I stare at the couple for a few minutes, thinking my concern over. Am I being an overbearing parent and just worrying without real reason to? "I'm worried about Cody."

"What about her?" Ali asks immediately, concern lacing her own tone of voice.

"Relax, Kriegs. Let Mom number 1 give us the deets before you get worried." Ash nods at me, silently telling me to continue.

"Hope told me she's going to a party...actually, she told me Jack's dragging her."

"And?" Ash asks as Ali watches on "Sounds like normal teenage stuff. Why are you worried?"

"Because of that woman?" Ali asks, seemingly able to read my mind. I just nod in response.

"I get it...but Al, she's in Idaho. If you're really worried, call Hope, but you have to let her live. She's gotta have space to make mistakes, it's how we grow." Ash informs me, and while I hesitate and think about calling our old 'keeper, I ultimately decide against it.

| Cody |

"WOOOO! FUCK YEAH!" I flinch away when Jack screams in my ear as we enter the house party that our teammate Ally is throwing. She must be happy her parents aren't here cause...damn.

Before we even entered our teammates house, we could smell the joints being puffed on, the yelling muffled by the music, and the street littered with cars left barely parked before the drivers and passengers obviously jumped out in a hurry to get wasted.

It's beyond anyone's control - kids acting like adults, getting so drunk that they're stumbling all over the place, leaning against walls just so they don't fall. Couples and strangers making out on the stairs, the couch, pretty much anywhere they can sit down. Beer pong, body shots and some poor lone teen mixing drinks for people in the kitchen of the once respectable house.

Ally has taken it upon herself to be the resident DJ for the night, and I can't complain, her taste in music isn't too bad. If it was Justin Bieber on repeat, I'd be long gone. And I mean on my way home, not drunk.

Jack immediately leads me to the kitchen, closing in on the teen acting like a blender who hands her a drink. I shake my head, and grab a bottled water from the fridge as I scan the room, observing my peers acting like animals.

Here we go.


We've been here for hours, now it's 1AM and the party shows no signs of slowing down. I grab another bottled water from the cooler filled with bottles of water, the beers quickly disappearing, being claimed by teens who tell their friends that they can handle their alcohol but we all know they're gonna be throwing up in the later hours of the morning.

I exit the house, walking to the backyard in need of some air and as much peace as I can get which isn't much as the vibrations and sounds of the music seem to follow me outside. I take a long sip of my ice cold water, enjoying the feeling of it as it travels down my throat to my stomach, the coolness in deep contrast to the intense heat from indoors created by the mass of dancing, sweaty, drunk teenagers.

My ringtone goes off, startling me mid-sip, and I jerk in surprise, making the water dribble down my chin and over my shirt.

"Ugh. Of course." I pull my phone out of my pocket, sighing and expecting it to be Alex. I know she gets stressed when she finds out I'm going to any kind of party, and the fact I haven't heard from her yet means it's only a matter of time before she calls. "Hmm." My brow furrows when I check the caller ID before answering, only to see that it's not Alex.

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