We'll Find Her

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| Alex |

"Then what happened?" Carli asks after the girls fill in the rest of the team about Kelley finding my daughter, and her 'parents' hurting her infront of us. I zone out again, not wanting to think about anyone putting hands on my baby girl.

"Lex?" I hear a voice pull me out of my daydreaming, looking up to see Tobin watching me with concern. She's always been there for me when it came to my daughter, when it came to everything really. Something about this is different though, I've never seen her react the way she has when she witnessed what my daughter went though in the parking lot.

My Daughter. I never even had the chance to say her name, the ink barely had time to dry on all the hospital forms before she was taken from me.

I named her Cody Maxwell Morgan...family names. That I never got to use.

"We'll find her, Alex." I hear Tobin promise, I don't disagree knowing I'm closer to her than I have been in over ten years, but I can tell by the look on her face she's saying it to convince herself - not me.

"I know we will, Tobs. I didn't expect this to effect you so badly."

"Me too but...she looks just like you, Lex. She even sounds like you, it's...uncanny." She finishes, sounding so full of love for my daughter that she just met. I can't judge, she's had a longer conversation that I've ever had. I stand up to hug her, knowing she needs it as much as I do, when we're interrupted by Allie.

"Oh, oops. Sorry to interrupt, but Jill wants everyone in the conference room, team meeting."

"Thanks Allie."

"Thanks Harry."

| Cody |

"Shut the fuck up! That's the last time I let you go anywhere!" My father yells at me as his fist connects with my face yet again. It's been like this since we got home three hours ago.

"Did you tell that stupid little friend of yours anything?!"

"N-no. I don't t-tell her anything" I sob out, the pain in my jaw unbearable.

"Sweetie, just leave her to rot in that room of hers. After everything we've done for you, you embarrass us infront of strangers like that." My mom shakes her head. Even after they treat me like shit, I still can't help but feel heartbroken at disappointing my parents. All I ever wanted to do was make them proud, and happy, but everytime I tried I always failed.

Trigger Warning

"Are you going out tonight?" My dad asks my mom, watching while she nods, putting on her coat before kissing him goodbye and leaving. He turns around with a sadistic smirk on his face, one that makes my blood run cold, sending shivers down my spine. I gulp.

"Well, looks like you're all mine now."

He picks me up, carrying me to his bedroom. Ignoring my pleas, my begging, the kicking and screaming for him to stop. But he doesn't. He never does. He always waits until my mum leaves, not so she doesn't know because she does, he just doesn't want my screaming to disturb her peace.

I sob and cry, praying to God to let this all be over. He doesn't get off of me until hes finished, when he stands up and pull his pants up.

"Quit sobbing, and get the fuck out of here you fucking slut." He grabs my arm, pulling me off the bed out the door and throwing me out to land on the floor. I can't stand yet, so I'm forced to crawl to my bedroom. When I get there, I climb into my bed, curl up into a ball and try my best to fall asleep.

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