When Shit Hits Multiple Fans

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| Alex |

We practically jump out of the the car, the others following suit out of the van and we all rush to the front door.

"Maybe nobody is home, there's no cars here." Kelley points out.

"Her dad works nights, so he's definitely here. I'm not sure if Cody is though." Jack states. I'm about to add my input when we all hear a shrill scream, making us all freeze.


I feel the color drain from my face, my stomach dropping. I know that's my daughters voice. I zone out, brought back to reality by Jack knocking on the door so hard I'm sure she'll almost break it.

"Shh, shut up, you little fucking slut."

Oh, hell no. I pull Jack back from the door, telling her to stand beside Hope and for the first time she doesn't freak out when in close proximity to the goalkeeper. I start beating on the door, hoping that whoever my daughter is screaming at will get tired of the incessant knocking and answer the door.


"Fuck this." I mutter as I start kicking at the door, trying to knock it down. When it doesn't budge, Hope starts to help and the door flies off the hinges.

"The fuck was that?" We hear a deep male voice ask someone, I'm assuming my daughter. We all venture inside, while Kristie stays outside with Jack. Not knowing where the yells were coming from as it's gone eerily silent in the filthy house, we begin towards what we suspect is the kitchen area, about to pass the staircase when we hear sobbing.

"I told you to shut the fuck up. You're fucking useless." Followed by thuds, and the sound of someone being slapped.

I don't think, I just run to the commotion, booking it up the steps, with Tobin, Hope, Syd and Kelley behind me, not missing a step. We check each room we pass, and all of them empty until there's only one room left, the only room with the door closed.

I can't give myself a second to think, I wrap my hand around the doorknob, Hope right beside me. I take a quick look at my friends' faces, their expressions portraying my own emotions, we're all clearly thinking the same thing. I shake my head, turning back around to open the door.

"MOOOM!!" My daughter screams for me from underneath the disgusting male who has the nerve to call himself her father. I rush to my child, while Hope makes quick work of the disgraceful human being that was taking advantage of my Cody.

"M-mom. I-I'm sorry, I s-shouldn't have r-run off. I-I'm so s-sorry." My daughter sobs out into my neck as she latches onto me for her life. Tobin comes over, wrapping a blanket around my daughter, rubbing my shoulder making me look up to meet her eyes which hold sympathy, and also a look which says 'calm down'. I can't though, I'm her mother, I'm supposed to protect her. I hold her tighter to me as I hear Kelley on the phone to the police, and I know Codes hears too as she curls up into me even more.

Ten minutes pass and we've moved Cody from that bedroom, down to the sitting room, where she still hasn't let go of me. She has stopped sobbing, instead adopting an emotionless look on her face, making me wonder if this has happened before. Jack and Kristie come into the small house, joining us in the sitting room. Kelley turns the TV on just for some background noise, letting Cody know that she isn't being forced to speak to us.

The police arrive, doing what they need to do. I honestly don't pay attention, all my awareness going to my daughter, and her every breath. My poor baby.

"Excuse us, Miss Morgan?" I look up to be met with the sincerely sympathetic looking detective, who beckons me to follow. I have some trouble standing up; Cody not wanting to let go of me, so Tobin takes my place and I can't help but smile softly as I see my daughter in my best friends arms, both holding on for life. I've never seen Tobin like this with anyone.

I talk with the detective in the kitchen for about 30 minutes. She tells me that they believe my daughter has been living with this kind of...treatment for years, which makes me want to vomit. They obviously recommend extensive therapy sessions for my daughter, as well as telling me that they'll need her to go to hospital for a rapekit, and examinations. I'm also told that it seems the woman that my daughter called 'mom', was likely involved, but they'll need my daughters statement to aid in the conviction of both adults. Which truly worries me, my daughter hasn't spoken since she called out for me.

I walk back to the sitting room, the detectives telling us that we can leave to go to the hospital, the others can go home. They take their leave as we all prepare to leave, until the TV catches our eyes, and ears.

"Breaking News. There has been a three car pile up on the highway leading to the famous Idaho Potato Museum. Police and Firefighters on the scene tell us that there are no survivors. They are unsure of what caused the crash but it is believed to be human error."

We stop watching the news segment as it shows the wreckage of a dark green sedan, mangled.

"C-Cody?", the heartclenching sorrow in Jack's voice brings my daughter back, obviously concerned about her best friend. Cody doesn't verbally respond, but she makes eye contact with Jack, letting her know that she's listening. Jack points at the TV as it shows the wrecked sedan.

"That....that's my m-moms car."  My daughter immediately lets go of Tobin and pulls Jack in, holding her while her best friend cries out in pain, bringing all of us to tears as we share glances.

We let my daughter comfort her friend, being the only one here that really knows her, until we need to leave for the hospital, deciding to take Jack with us, knowing she'll want to be there when they bring in her mom from the wreckage.

This time Kelley, Syd and Kristie take Jack's car to the hospital, not wanting to take the car back to the house we've rented while we stay here. Tobin drives the van, while I sit with my daughter, cuddling into me, gripping my shirt tightly in her pale hands that are covered in bruises and small cuts, while Hope holds a sobbing Jack in her arms.

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