Have A Little Hope

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Dedicated to _ShayW who never misses an update, I see you bud!

| Hope |

"Are you absoutely sure about this, Hope?" Honestly, if one more person asks me that.

"Yes, I'm sure."

I'm sitting in the office of Mr. Atkins, the social worker who came and took Jack and Cody away, a pen in hand and a sheet of paper in front of me. All it needs it my signature.

"But, are you really sure?"

"Okay thats it. Wait outside Kling, and take Kelley with you." I watch my ex-National teammates leave the room, only Alex and I remaining as the others sit outside in the waiting room. Alex hasn't said a word, I don't know why but I can only assume it's because she knows I wouldn't do this if it isn't what I wanted.

"Now, if you sign here on the dotted line Miss Solo, you'll be legally responsible for Miss-"

"Yes, I understand." I snap at the fragile looking man sitting behind the desk. I don't mean to snap but I've had enough of people trying to give me an out. I know what I'm doing, and why I'm doing it. I look the paper over one last time before I sign on the line, giving the man a moment to speak with Alex.

"Miss Morgan, we do have your DNA results on file and while you are Cody's biological mother, we're having doubts about releasing her into your custody."

I snap my head up, watching one of my closest friends try and hold it together, she's biting her lip trying her best not to cry, obviously having trouble calming down enough to talk. So I do it for her.

"And why the hell not? You just said that she's Cody's biological mother, who better is there for her to live with?"

"The thing is, it's been brought to our attention that, due to your job, you travel a lot and you're single, meaning that nobody will be there to care of Miss Dennings while you're gone." I guess he has a point. While I take a minute to think of something to say, Alex already has.

"What do you mean 'brought to your attention'? By who?"

"Well, the childs father, of course." I watch the color drain from Alex's tan face, she looks like she's about to be sick when the man adds, "He would like custody of his daughter, we're obliged to consider him."

| Cody |

I'm sitting on the dingy little wall outside of the home that Jack and I have been temporarily placed in. We're not even talking, we're not in the mood. We've been sitting in comfortable silence for a few hours. What is there to do? Nothing. The foster 'parents' watching us don't bother with us, they know Jacks own mom just died and they haven't even asked a simple 'are you okay?' which pisses me off.

We find an old soccer ball, the skin tearing off, the stitching almost bursting open, being scared to put too much power into kicking the ball, we pass it softly back and forth, not wanting to lose our only source of entertainment since arriving here.

"Wow, this isn't a depressing sight at all."

We look up at the same time, to see Hope and Kelley standing with warm smiles while they watch us. I can't help but smile back, finally happy to see some friendly and familiar faces.

It's been about five days since that old guy in his cheap suit came and took us away and I honestly thought all the players had gone home, including Alex.

"What are you doing here?" I hear Jack ask the goalkeeper and her defender.

"We're here to take you home, Jack." And my heart sinks at the look on my best friends face when she realizes that I'm not included in that sentence. I give her a tight lipped smile, telling her it's okay and I'll see her soon, although I'm sure we both know I'm lying. I have no idea when I'll see my nonrelated sister again. If I ever will.

"What about Cody-"

"Don't worry about me, Jack. Go." I hug her one last time before I practically push her towards the soccer players when she hesitates.

"Yeah, you don't have to worry about her, Jack." I look up to see Alex standing in the doorway, a huge smile on her face.

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask cautiously, having learned from a young age not to get my hopes up.

"I'm taking you home, sweetheart."

"With you?" Once again being cautious, I bite my lip while looking at my feet hoping I've not upset her. I hear her walking over to me then feel her lift my chin gently with her fingers, forcing me to look into her eyes.

"Of course, baby girl. With me." That's all I need to hear before I throw myself in my mom's arms, melting into her embrace, not noticing the other people standing behind her.

"That's so fucking cute!" I laugh as I see Pinoe jump in the air, soon joined by Kling.

"Uh...where's Tobin?" I ask, the midfielder having always been there for the little amount of time I've known her.

"Wow. So that's how it is, huh?" Kling mocks offence, only to be pushed out the way.

"I'm here." Tobin laughs out as she eyes Kling, who dramatically threw herself to the ground.


I look to Alex, to see her already looking at me. She looks worried though I don't understand why, I think it's best not to ask though, at least not until we're alone.

"That ball looks like it should be up for retirement." Tobin jokes, earning a glare from Hope, who has retired.

"Uh, I mean-I mean..."

"Don't bother Tobs, you're only digging yourself into a deeper hole." Kelley puts in, possibly saving the midfielder from certain death.

"Let's go home, then?"


"Sooo, when you said home, you meant the mall?" I ask, completely confused, which is mirrored on my best friends face. She obviously agrees.

"We're stopping to grab some lunch, and you need clothes. Don't even think about arguing with me." Alex explains, and I look at her face to see her raise an eyebrow questioningly, daring me to speak up against her.

"Okay." I manage to squeak out, making my best friend and the players laugh.

It's been a few hours of shopping, and I'm honestly exhausted. Alex let me pick out a few outfits before she got the jist of my taste in clothes - tomboyish, so she enlisted the help of Tobin, much to her obvious displeasure, and her wishing that Ashlyn was here, but I was off the hook so I was happy.

I'm standing outside whatever store they're in, who really cares, at this point all the stores look the same, when a man I've never seen before approaches Kristie, Kling, Hope, Jack, Kelley and I.

"Are you Cody?"

I look to Hope because she's basically the only adult here, lets be honest, and I give her a look that shows I'm unsure about this guy.

"Um...yes? Why?" I ask, to which he looks offended for a second before he shakes it off, I'm guessing because he's being watched like a hawk by my mom's teammates and my best friend.

"You mean, you don't know me?"

"Who are you?" I hear Jack ask as she side steps to be closer to me, which I'm internally thankful for, so I hold her hand to show her.

"Wait, you're gay?" He asks after he spots me holding my friends hand. Yes I am gay, but just because I'm holding my friends hand it doesn't mean shit.

"Who are you?" This time I ask with a little venom laced through my voice. I guess it's clear that I'm becoming uncomfortable because I see Hope move to stand at the other side of me.  Just then, Alex walks out of the store with Tobin and Pinoe, both of them acting like children as they follow behind Alex, playfully pushing each other.

"Is everything okay here?" I watch as Alex goes into MamaBear mode, it's clear to see because it's only the second time I've seen it happen. The first being the time she saved me from my 'dad'.

"Everything is fine Alex" The man says, not taking his eyes off me. I look to my mom, who looks pissed, moving to stand infront of me. Jack and I take the hint and step back to be in line with Kelle, Kristie and Kling - the three flanking us.

"Is this really necessary?" The stranger asks Alex, while motioning to the barrier that the professional players have created between us.

"Who are you?"

"Ask Alex, she knows who I am."

"If I knew, I wouldn't have asked."

"Now I remember what I liked about you."

"I've never met you, what are you talking about?"

"You don't remember me at all?" He asks, seemingly ignoring everyone but Alex, which puts Tobin and Hope on edge, as is evident by their tense body language and I grab a fist full of my mom's shirt trying to pull her back with me.

"Move out of the way ladies. I have a right to see my daughter."

Nobody talks, not even Alex as she looks at the man in front of her, with his sharp jawline, brown hair and smug smirk on his face that reminds me of my 'dad', the man who raised me, and I want to slap it off of his face.

"Mom?" I ask, grabbing everyone's attention, Jack's grip on my hand tightening significantly. "Can we go home now? I'm not really in the mood for lunch. I lost my appetite." I finish while looking at the dirtbag before me, the man who drugged my mom, and took advantage of her. I don't care that he's near me, I just don't want him near her.

"Of course sweetie, let's go." Shee takes the hand not help by Jack and we move, leaving the man who claims to be my father behind us. I glance back to see him smirking at me, or Alex, I can't be sure. What I'm sure of is that he's trouble.

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