Someone Like Him

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| Jack |

I'm sitting on Hope's bed with Cody, while the adults are downstairs, I'm guessing they're talking about the man who claims to be Cody's dad.

After we left the mall, we all climbed into the van and came back here - to the house they're renting before they all go home, which im guessing will be soon. The ride back was eerily silent, the situation not failing to make everyone uncomfortable despite Kling and Pinoe's best attempts at easing the rising tensions.

I'm brought back to the room when I feel Cody rest her head on my shoulder, hugging my arm, something I know she does when she's thinking and upset. I hate seeing my bestfriend like this. Just a week ago she was Cody Maxwell Dennings, an everyday teenage girl, who got picked on my the captain, but she wasn't who she is now. Now she's Alex Morgan's daughter. The only child to a World Cup winning superstar, who millions of young girls look up to. I can tell she doesn't know how to process it, because I wouldn't be able to either, I can't, knowing Hope Solo just adopted me. I still have her picture on my wall...I really need to get rid of that.


I look down to see my best friend looking up at me with tears in her eyes and I put my arms around her, hugging her tight to let her know she's not alone in this. She has her mom, Tobin, all her moms teammates, and I'll never leave her side. I hope.

"It's okay Maxi, I got you." I cooed her, while running my hand through her hair, also something I know that calms her down.

"It's not that."

"Then what is it?" I ask, eyeing her cautiously as I see her bit her lip and sigh deeply.

"I need a drink."

We watch each other carefully before we burst out laughing, though I know she's being serious. You see, as innocent as Cody looks, she's not. I guess looking back it had a lot to do with her old family life - I know I'd drink too.

"Max, I don't think-"

"I know, you don't think it's a good idea, and how it's so irresponsible and-"

"I don't sound like that!" I mock offence when I hear her terrible impersonation of my voice, but we both laugh before I finish what I was going to say, "As I was going to say, I don't think there's any here. They're professional soccer players, I doubt they'd have too much alcohol around."

"Can we go out?"

I study her face, carefully. Looking for any hesitation, any sign of doubt but I see none. I also think of everything we've both been through in the last week and I crack.

"Let's get ready."


"Where are you two going?"

We put on our own game faces, nothing compared to the athletes infront of us, Hope in particular, and we both shrug.

"We're going out for some fresh air, is that okay?"

We wait patiently as Kelley and Alex study us. I can tell that they are because I was just giving the same look to Cody.  I'm sure they're about to say no until Cody leans her head on my shoulder. "Please, mom?" Damn, she's good.

I watch Alex sigh, obviously not wanting to take her eyes off of her daughter. I have a feeling it's something to do with the man at the mall, if he's Cody's father or not it's obvious that the whole situation has stuck with the adults.

"Fine, but take Kristie with you?"

I feel Codes nod from her pillow of my shoulder, obviously not too bothered about the youngest of their group joining us. We wait for her to get ready, and we're happy when it only takes ten minutes.

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