How Do You Know My Name?

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| Cody |

It's been eight days since gameday, it's Tuesday today, and my face has finally healed enough for makeup to cover the now faint bruises on my face, meaning I can finally go to school again. I haven't been able to text Jack to let her know I'm actually alive, my dad took my phone so I couldn't use it - he's still convinced that I've told her what he does to me, what my mother does to me, even though I haven't. The only people that have seen them lay a finger on me are the soccer players I met momentarily, and I was right when I thought back to that day before the game started - my parents would ruin the day.

I go through my usual routine, breakfast for my family, showering and dressing for me, riding to school on my board, masterly avoiding the cracks and holes on the pavements.

When I get to school, I'm wrapped up in a hug so tight I can barely breathe. 

"Oh my god, thank god! I was so worried about you!" Jack says in my ear as she continues to squeeze me. When she pulls away, she punches my arm. "What the fuck! Why didn't you return my calls, or texts?!" Before I can reply she grabs my face, pulling me closer, moving my head from side to side. "Why are you wearing so much make up?"

Fuck, fuck, think.

"Uh, I-"

"It's because she's just that ugly and she fucking needs it, isn't that right Cody?"

"Oh shut the fuck up Jo." I let slip before I realize what I've done. By the time I do notice what slipped out my mouth, Joanna has me pinned to the floor, throwing punch after punch to my stomach and face.

"Stop that this instant!" Hearing the principles voice bellowing down the hall, and the Coach's whistle which is the only thing that stops Joanna, the rest of the students head to class, hoping not to get into trouble just for encouraging the fight.

| Alex |

We all managed to convince Jill to let us stay a week longer, we'll call it democracy at work but I'm sure she's just appeasing us to hang on to her job. We've all been taking turns to drop by the school and help out their gym classes which have been focusing on soccer while we're all here.

"Don't worry Jan, she might show up today." Kelley says, trying to cheer me up.

"We don't have many days left here, what if she doesn't show up? What if something seriously fucked up has happened and I don't even know where she lives, so I can't go to help her! Kels, what if-" I don't finish my dark thought as she hugs me. Then another pair of arms wrap around me, and another and another, until all the girls are here. They really are like my family.

It's my turn to visit the school, with Tobin, Ashlyn, Pinoe and Kling. While we're sitting in the principles office with the Coach of the girls soccer team, the little old woman from the office comes rushing into the room.

"So sorry to interrupt Sir, but it's Joanna again!"

We don't have to ask what she means as we hear the chants of 'fight, fight, fight' ringing out through the hallways. We watch the principle and the coach leave, and we decide to follow simply out of curiosity. We turn the corner, watching as the soccer team captain straddles a smaller girl while other girls watch as she doesn't defend herself against the pummeling she's receiving.

"Stop that this instant!" Screaming from the principle and the earbursting whistle from the coach seems to disperse the kids, but the captain gets one last kick in before stepping away from the smaller girl.

I see Jack rush over to the girl and I get a sick feeling in my stomach. Please don't be my baby. I look at Tobin to see she's thinking the same thing.

"Codes...Cody are you okay?"

"That little bitch is fine, I barely touched her!" The captain counters, and that about does it for me. I try to walk up to her but Tobin wraps her arms around my waist, effectively anchoring me in my spot.

"You barely touched her?! She's basically unconscious, and last time I checked, noses don't burst on their own!"

"Geez. What's it to you anyway, she's worthless!"

I'm so angry I don't stop to think about what I'm about to say. It doesn't matter in this moment that I wanted to talk to Cody first before I say these next words to anyone, I wanted her to be the first to hear them and from me, not some bitchy little teenager who thinks shes God's gift to the world.

"She's my daughter, that's what is it to me!"

| Jack |

I don't care what's going on around me. I don't care that my heroes are standing over me as I crouch down next to a limp Cody. I don't care that Joanna is running her mouth, afterall what else is new? I don't care about missing class, I just don't care about anything. All I care about is that Cody is lying in the hallway, not moving.

"Geez. What's it to you, she's worthless anyway." Ugh I wish someone would just shut Joanna and her fat mouth up.

"She's my daughter, that's what it is to me!"

My head snaps up to who said that. Not that I didn't know, Alex has a very distinctive voice, like Cody...oh. Did I take a knock to the head that I don't remember?

I don't take my eyes off of Alex as she crouches down on the other side of Codes' body, and I watch as she moved the hair draped over my best friends face, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. She looks heartbroken when she lifts her head to look at me.

"That's why you were asking me about her last week?" I ask.

"It is. I'm sorry I didn't tell you Jack" She needlessly apologised as she looks back down at Cody. "I wanted to talk to her first."

| Cody |

I wake up in the nurses office. What a great first day back, thanks a lot Joanna. I may as well have neglected wearing makeup completely if I'd have known this is what would have happened.

I groan as I try to sit up, only to have pain shooting through my chest. "Ahh, fuck." I sigh out.

"Woah, take it easy, Miss Dennings." I open my eyes to see the nurse turning towards me, obviously having heard me whincing in pain. "You've been here enough to know not to move that fast once you wake up from a Joanna induced nap." I just nod, forming words putting too much pressure on my chest, and I close my eyes.

"So this has happened before?" My eyes snap back open, not having noticed the other bodies in the room with the school nurse and I. I blink repeatedly though when I see Alex Morgan and Tobin Heath standing infront of me.

I try rubbing my eyes next, but nope, they're still there.

"Uh...hi?" I ask with a mixture of confusion  as to why they're here, mixed with a heavy dose of embarrassment. "Are you real?"

"Oh lord, do I need to check you for another concussion, Cody?" the nurse asks, but I just ignore her, too busy starting at my idols standing infront of me, one looking amused and the other...concerned?

"Another concussion? That would explain a lot." Tobin chuckled before receiving a death glare from Alex, she shuts up immediately, but her grin remains. That glare could give Hope's a run for it's money.

"I'm fine. Can I go back to class now?" I ask the nurse, who give me a sympathetic look.

"No, I'm sorry Cody, but I have to call your parents, this isn't just a small fight, you lost consciousness." At the mention of my parents, I start to hyperventilate. I grip the sides of the small hospital like bed in the nurses office as the nurse gets to work, helping me relax and control my breathing before leaving to use the phone in the office, obviously to call my parents.

"I almost forgot." Tobin starts as she pulls her backpack off, definitely blending in with the teens that go here, she pulls out a jersey. "This is still for you. It's not the same one, but I still want you to have one." I hesitate to take it, just like the last time, but Tobin just chuckles at me before gently grabbing my hand to put the jersey in it herself, before she puts her bag back on her shoulder and leaving me alone with Alex, who still has a look on her face that I can't quite put my finger on.

"Um..." I try to think of something to say, it's getting a little awkward in here, with Alex just staring at me.

"Sorry, Cody, I didn't mean to stare at you." She smiles, lightening the mood and making me feel comfortable for the first time in years...ever if I'm being honest.

"How do you know my name?" I ask as I realize I haven't been introduced to her yet. She seems taken aback before she seems to shake it off and answer my question.

"The National team has been here for a little over a week now, your friend Jack can't stop talking about you."

"Oh God, Nothing embarrassing I hope." I mumble out, but the forward still heard and lets out a breathy laugh.

"No, nothing to worry about. She seems like a great friend, I'm glad you have her."

"Me too, she's more like a sister, though." I say, to which Alex just nods.

"There's also something else Cody, something I need to talk to you about."

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