Chapter five

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Charmaine was picked up by one of Tamel’s men, a dealer on one of his blocks named D-Train. Claudia could see why he was called that, he was built like one. Train was huge, combined with muscle and height to make a solid intimidating man. He looked like comic book character William Fisk, the kingpin.

He didn’t say much when he came to Charmaine’s front door towering over the door frame like a giant. He just said he was the pickup and then walked back downstairs to his Jeep Cherokee. Charmaine had second thoughts about going but knew she couldn’t back out of it now. Besides knowing Tamel, he would have had her dragged to the club all the same. Didn’t need to fight the inevitable.

Charmaine got dressed, trying to look as unsexy as hell. She wore wrinkled jeans, a long pullover Georgetown sweater and some busted up puma sneakers. She put her head in a ponytail and headed downstairs. Her father was nowhere in the apartment which was a good thing because she didn’t feel like seeing his face and coming to tears then coming to blows.

Train looked at Charmaine’s outfit, shook his head but didn’t say anything. Charmaine went to get in the backseat when Train finally did speak, “This isn’t no taxi. Up front.”

Charmaine closed the back car door and opened the door for the passenger side. Charmaine sat down in the seat and Train turned on the radio before pulling off the curb.

Charmaine looked at her escort. Train looked like he should have been a boxer or a wrestler instead of a chauffeur. Beside his bulk, he wasn’t a bad looking guy. He just look like smiles and compliments wasn’t his strong suit. He just drove looking straight.

“You know about this club?” Charmaine asked.

“It’s a strip club like any other,” Train simply stated.

“Come on, give me something,” Charmaine insisted. “I don’t have to sell my ass, do I?”

“Not unless you want to,” Train didn’t even glance at her.

“No, I’m not a hoe,” Charmaine stated.

“Then you have nothing to worry about,” Train’s rough baritone turned Charmaine on somehow.

She never been next to a dude this massive before. He looked almost as big as the two goons that Tamel had drag her to his office. But he looked calmer, more resolve. Like he took orders but he wasn’t a douljah.

Charmaine felt a sense of power this ebony leviathan had and it was turning her on. Here she was about to get dropped off at a strip club by a man that she wanted to screw. Charmaine just assumed her lustful attraction was a cover for what she was really feeling: nervousness.

Charmaine never stepped foot in a strip club or any club for that matter. While her fast ass friends were out screwing and partying, she was studying trying to make herself better so she could get out of her environment.

She had been a good girl. She done everything right. And what she had to show for it? Her father pimping her to the local drug dealer to cover his debts. That’s what she got for her efforts.

Charmaine was trying to spark some conversation to keep the butterflies down in her stomach. She couldn’t believe she was doing this. Charmaine was actually going to be a part of that life. Charmaine kept shaking her head like it was a bad dream.

“What you catching a seizure?” Train asked, glancing at her for a second than straight ahead again.

“No, I’m nervous,” Charmaine replied. “I never did anything like this.”

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