Element XX

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I couldn't wait to get home to Maine!

After finding Cole, we headed back to Mark's house for a quick debriefing. 

Cole had no idea what was going on with him and it took hours of explaining and shifting to help him understand that he was now a werewolf.

Turns out he had no idea werewolves existed until two weeks ago. Evidently Cole spent his life in and out of foster care for years until he finally ran away right before his sixteenth birthday. When we found him at the abandoned farm, he had been there for days trying to regain control of his body. The unexplained wind was the dead give away.

You see, when Elemental wolves change for the first time, either their wolf or their element is the dominant of the two. For Cole, his wind ability took control because he did not trust his wolf to allow it the power to manifest its strength. For me, I had spent my life preparing to be a wolf, when I shifted into a white wolf for the first time; the pride I felt prevented me from accessing my earth ability. It took me weeks to learn how to grow the grass by an inch or simply move a tree branch. It's hard understanding the importance of needing balance between a wolf and human but adding a superpower to that just makes it complicated!

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. We will be landing soon so we ask that you fasten your seat belts and place your trays in an upright position. The current time is 12:37 in Maine and the temperature is 75 degrees Fahrenheit. I hope you enjoyed your flight and we look forward to flying with you again."

Snapping back to the present, I couldn't wait to get off this plane. Uncle Mark had lent us his personal jet to fly home so we could make it back in time for my party tonight.

Cole was currently sleeping with his mouth wide open and drool dripping off his chin in the seat across the isle from me. I still couldn't believe I found another elemental. I have felt so alone for years knowing that they were out there just not knowing where. It's hard to believe this sixteen year old was destined for something so monumental and he didn't even know about it. 

Looking away from Cole, I watched outside my window as we touched down. Smiling, I could see Derek parked on the runway ready to chauffeur us home when we finally landed. Even though I was only gone for a week, I was glad to see my little brother again.

After the plane parked, I nudged Cole’s leg with my foot and he jumped and nearly choked on his spit. Chuckling, I descended the jet's stairs and greeted my brother.

"Zayne, your finally home man. How was the trip?"

Embracing my brother, I realized nobody knew about Cole yet.

"Dude, I found one." Watching his facial reactions, I could tell he didn't believe what he just heard.

"Wait, what? What do you mean you found one? This isn't a time to kidding around man." He scrunched his forehead in concentration and watched me closely. He was looking for any hint that I could be lying.

"No, listen, I really found one. His name is Cole and his element is wind. I was watching the news one night talking about unexplained winds in southern California and I went to check it out. He just shifted days prior but it's really him. Look, that's him getting off the plane." Turning towards the jet, Cole was seen marching down the steps carrying his bag and his skateboard. Looking at us, he waved and made his way over.

"Hey, what's up mate? I'm Cole." Sticking his hand out for a shake, all Derek could do was stare. His mouth was wide open and I'm pretty sure his eyes were going to dry up if he didn't blink soon.

 "Ugh, is he okay?" Cole dropped his hand and shot me an uneasy glance. Shrugging my shoulders, I have never seen Derek act like this before. Leaning forward, I snapped my fingers twice in front of his face and that seemed to work. Finally realizing that people were trying to have a conversation with him, he shook his head and closed his mouth.

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