Twenty Eight

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I woke up with a start then looked around but stopped as I saw Tiny and Gracie in his usual spot on the bed. I sat up then ran a hand through my hair as I slowly stood and went to the bathroom. When I went to the kitchen, I saw messages left on the answering machine and hesitated to play them. You need to face him eventually, Lina. I sighed and pressed the play button then went to sit in the window as I listened.

"Five new messages:
Lina, baby, please. I'm really sorry. Please call me back, turn your phone on, something. I need to talk to you. I love you, Evelina.

Lina, I know you're listening to these. If not you, then one of the guys. And I know they're coming around you, they barely even talk to me and when they do, they say how bad your health is. Please call me back.

Evelina, I'm getting worried. Baby, come on. We were both upset, we weren't thinking... I wasn't thinking. Forgive me, I need to hear your voice.

Ev... Evelina... I love you... I'm so... Sssso drunk, I'm sorry...

Damn it, woman! That's it, I'm coming back and talking to you! If you won't answer my damn calls, I'll have to make you talk to me!
End of new messages." I sighed and got up then turned the answering machine off and went to make coffee but stopped as a key turned the lock to the front door. Gracie barked as she ran to it, confirming my fears of who had come over.

"Evelina?" I turned and saw Zak then crossed my arms, glaring at him.

"I've already packed my clothes, don't worry. And I found a place but it's not close by, Tiny and I will be gone by the end of the week."

"Lina, you don't-" I glared then sighed as I grabbed the golden necklace around my neck.

"I can't be with someone who hurts me, Zak. You bruised me, you bruised my arms and my back when we argued. I can't forgive that, I won't." I said and the coffee finished then I turned and made me a cup.

"I just need to pack the rest of my things then I'll be gone, this will be your house again." I said and grabbed my coffee mug, going to the room and packing my books.

"Evelina, you don't need to do this-"

"Yeah, and what am I supposed to do?! Live with someone who hurts me?! Date someone who just up and leaves at the first sign of something wrong?!" I growled and he got angry again.

"Oh, and I'm to blame?! You fucking left after you got a small cut and Jay accidentally insulted you! If anything, you're being a god damn child right now! Just like then, you're a spoiled little bitch!" I glared harder then went to him and slapped him, making him stumble into the wall and the dogs run from the room.

"Don't you EVER called me a spoiled bitch again." I spit and he glared then grabbed my arms and I gasped as he held me tightly.

"ZAK!" We both turned to see Nic, Aaron, Billy, and Jay then Nic got between us and shoved Zak back.

"Don't touch her."

"This doesn't involve you-"

"Don't. Touch. Her." Nic repeated and Zak stepped back then glared as I held my arms where they hurt.

"Lina, get your things and let's go." Jay said and I nodded then we got the rest of my things but Nic kept an eye on Zak.

"Tiny." He looked at Gracie and laid down then I glared at my dog.

"Tiny, let's go!" I growled and he whimpered then slowly walked closer, following me to the car. I'm so sorry, baby. I know you don't want to leave her but we don't have a choice anymore. I got in next to Billy then Nic came out and got in. When he grabbed my arm in a comforting way, I noticed he had busted his knuckles and grabbed his hand.


"I hit him, don't worry about it." I sighed and nodded then we left that house and drove to my new house, my new life beginning without Zachary Alexander Bagans.

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