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I woke up and saw Tiny guarding me, laying in my doorway, then I got up and sighed. Of course, Tiny stood and waited for me as I went to the bathroom. When I was done, Tiny barked and walked in front of me as I went downstairs. When I got there, I saw Billy on the recliner, Aaron was on the couch, Nic was on the loveseat, Jay was at the kitchen table, and Zak was getting coffee.

"Tiny." I whispered and he ran over, jumping onto Aaron, waking the man. I smiled and went to get food then Zak caught my arm.

"I'm alright, Zak." I smiled and he nodded then I grabbed the eggs from the fridge and sighed.

"I need to go grocery shopping." I whispered and started making eggs for everyone. Zak smiled at me as Tiny sat in the doorway to the kitchen then I set the eggs on the counter and went to the living room, waking the guys.

"Hey, how many eggs do you want?"

"Two!" Aaron yelled and I laughed as Billy groaned.


"Two." Nic mumbled into his pillow, making me laugh slightly.

"One here too." Jay said from the table and I smiled then went back to the kitchen and Zak and I easily maneuvered around each other as we made breakfast. When we were done, the guys still weren't awake and Zak went to wake them but I stopped him.

"Tiny." I said and the dog ran to the living room, jumping on Billy, Nic and Aaron. When they were somewhat awake, Tiny started barking loudly and Aaron got up as the other two groaned.

"He won't stop until you're up." I said and Billy and Nic got up then Tiny stopped and came to me. I gave him a bacon strip then he barked and wagged his tail.

"No more." I laughed and he whimpered then I kneeled down and loved on him.

"Come on, Lina." I stood and went to sit at the table as the guys got food then I got me a plate and looked at them then sighed.

"I'm sorry." I said and they shared a look then looked at me.

"For what?"

"Just leaving the way I did. I've just been tossed out and beaten down by so many people, it hurt when Jay said what he did." I said and Jay slowly stopped eating then sighed.

"I was out of line anyway." He said and Zak smiled.

"Well, we can move past that, right?" I nodded and smiled.

"The funeral is in a month. We can go after that." I said and Aaron smiled hopefully.

"We?" I nodded and smiled at him.

"Yeah, we. I don't really have much else tying me to this town with dad gone but I'll need a new job since Mrs Peruviana decided to let me go. Guess she didn't have the money to pay someone else." I said and acted like I was thinking about jobs.

"Huh, I bet Vegas could use a new strip-"

"NO!" They all yelled and I laughed as Tiny barked.

"I'm kidding!" I laughed and they glared, like they didn't realize I was kidding.

"You're pure evil." I smirked and we ate then I stretched in my seat as I woke up more.

"I'm going to see my brother and mom today, if you guys wanna come with." I smiled and they stared as I stood and went upstairs to get dressed.

I sighed and went downstairs to see them all dressed and even Tiny was on his leash, making me smile

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I sighed and went downstairs to see them all dressed and even Tiny was on his leash, making me smile.

"Let's go visit Alec and momma Nilsson." I nodded and we left then walked to the cemetery, going for my family's plot. I heard the guys stop a few feet away as I went to my mom and brother then I kneeled down and brushed the tombstone off.

"Hi, Alec. Dad will be here soon, I promise not to show up for awhile. I miss you both, mom and you, and dad too now. I've got some amazing new friends and I promise, you would have liked them." I said and looked at the guys then smiled.

"Mom, you would have loved Zak. He's so funny and carefree but he's also a gentlemen and he knows how to console me when I need it most. He's the perfect guy but... I can't be with him right now, or ever. I know you would tell me to follow my heart and my heart is saying go to him but I can't do that. Anyway, I love you both and happy birthday." I stood and brushed the few leaves off my mom's tombstone. I went back to the guys then smiled at them as Tiny barked.

"So, you confess your love?" Aaron teased and we laughed as we left the graveyard. I love you, mom and Alec and dad.

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