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I smiled as I held the dress out for the girl and she giggled as her mom eyed us.

"It's so pretty!" I laughed and she picked two more before they went to check out and I had lunch. Mrs Peruviana was more than happy to send Tiny and I out too. I got to the diner down the road and everyone greeted Tiny and I then I saw the newest Ghost Adventures episode.

"You were on there for a bit too, weren't you?" I looked at John and nodded as I smiled.

"Yeah, I was." I said and sat at a table to eat as Claire brought my food to me. As I ate, I listened to the show when something caught my attention.

"John, turn that up!" He did and I stood as I saw Zak.

"So, because of some unforseen circumstances, we will have to put our next investigation on hold. Unfortunately, there is something we as a team need to do but it will require us to not make anymore episodes for the time being. We will let all of you know when we will be making more and hopefully, things will be better." He said and I cursed then tossed down some money and left, too pissed off to stay there. When I got to the shop, I saw Liane and Mrs Peruviana then I stopped.

"Liane?" I whispered and she turned to me then gave me a sad smile.

"Evelina, it's your father."
I held his hand tightly as he laid on the cold metal slab but I couldn't even hear the doctor.

"Lina, I'm so sorry. We didn't even realize his heart was failing from the cancer." I shook my head and kissed my dad's hand then let go, allowing the coroner to cover him completely.

"Did he..."

"No, it was quick. Like blinking his eyes." I nodded and wiped my cheeks then smiled.

"Here's the funeral options we can recommend for you but I'm afraid there isn't much we can do." I nodded and took the folder then left, slowly going home. When I got there, a white SUV was outside and I knew who it was but I didn't care. I went inside and Tiny barked as he ran for me then I smiled and kissed his head, going to the kitchen.

"Lina-" I gripped the counter and Aaron stopped then I turned and forced a smile, despite the tears falling down my cheeks.

"Hey, Aaron." I whispered and went towards the living room, dropping the file down on the coffee table. I pulled my hair back into a loose, messy bun as the guys silently watched me then Liane came down and I smiled at her.

"So, you're going now?"

"I'm sorry, I have-"

"It's okay, Liane." I smiled and she nodded then hugged me.

"You have friends, Evelina. You have friends who care for you, and you still have family. Even if he's not here." I nodded and held her tightly then let go so she could leave.

"Evelina..." Nic whispered but I cleared my throat.

"Do you guys want something to eat? I'm sure you're hungry." I said and they nodded then I went to cook but had to stop before I cried all over the food.

"Lina." I turned as Zak grabbed me then I held him tightly and sobbed into his chest.

"He's gone. My dad is gone." I cried and he held me then I gripped the back of his shirt in my hands as I shook in his arms.

"I'm so sorry, Lina." He whispered and I shook my head but Tiny came in and barked, jumping on me.

"Hey, Tiny." I whispered and kneeled down, hugging his neck.

"I know." I whispered then Zak grabbed my shoulder.

"Let me get this, you just go sit." I nodded and stood then lightly grabbed his hand, silently telling him thank you. I went to the living room then sat and Jay went to say something but I shook my head.

"I don't hate you, Jay." I whispered and he nodded then Tiny jumped into my lap and I held him tightly.

"I'm sorry I left." I whispered and Aaron laughed.

"Hey, it's okay. We get it, don't worry." He said and I nodded then Zak finished cooking so we went to eat.

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