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I clipped my necklace on then looked in the mirror as Zak came in, coming up behind me.

"You look amazing." I smiled as he hugged my waist then I sighed and felt a tear fall down my cheek.

"I just can't believe he's gone." I whispered and he nodded then we went to the car and Billy smiled as Zak let me in the front.

"Hey, ready?" I shook my head and he smiled softly as he grabbed my hand. He wore a black long sleeved button down, like most of them did, with some black slacks but Zak and Aaron wore black jeans, Jay and Nic wore slacks as well.

"Let's go." I whispered and he nodded then I held his hand tightly as he drove to the church. When we got there, I smiled as Zak grabbed my hand since Billy was going to be in charge of the guests for me. I was happy with that, I can't deal with people today. We got to the pews then sat but Zak hugged my waist with one arm, the other holding my hand still, as people filed in. Aaron sat next to me then Jay came in and sat on his other side, Nic to his right, looking around our rather large town church.

"This is nice as hell. Just wish I was here for a different reason." I nodded and Zak held my hip tighter as I pressed into him.

"Thank you, Zak." I whispered and he nodded as he kissed my head. Soon, the funeral started and Billy sat next to Zak as the priest said everything he had to. Soon, I had to go up to speak but I was slow and trying not to sob right there. I cleared my throat then smiled as I held the podium tightly.

"I just want to start with saying my dad would have loved all the attention he is getting right now." I whispered but the mic made it echo so everyone laughed.

"My dad was a pretty cool guy, all of you knew him well. Even my new friends knew my dad pretty well. When I found out he had lung cancer like my mom, I knew then that he wouldn't make it. Just didn't know how quickly the time would pass. It seems like the universe hates my family though. First my mom and brother and now my dad. I just hope that wherever he and my family are, they're waiting for me." I whispered and they were silent as I went back to my seat. Zak held me again then we went to the cemetery and I held three white roses. I put one on my mom's grave then my brother's and went to my dad, where his coffin laid.

"I love you all, I miss you so much." I whispered and we sat as the ceremony started. When he was lowered, I waited until they started to cover him with dirt before I went towards the car where the guys were.

"Ready to go home?" Aaron asked and I nodded then we got into the car, driving towards my house. On the way, I silently cried but someone grabbed my hand and I saw Zak's fingers laced with mine, making me smile.

"Hey, at least he's surrounded by big breasts." That made all of us laugh as we pulled into my driveway. I went inside then Tiny jumped on me and I smiled as I held him.

"Hi, buddy." I whispered and kissed his head then he knocked me back into a strong chest, making everyone laugh again.

"Tiny!" I laughed and he barked then I stood and smiled at Zak.

"I'm going to shower." They nodded and I went to get a shower but stopped as I felt a warm presence surround me.

"Daddy?" I whispered and looked around then stopped as I felt fingers run along my cheekbone.

"Evelina." His familiar voice whispered and I laughed as he ran his fingers over my cheek again.

"Daddy." I whispered and closed my eyes, letting myself feel his presence.

"I love you, and I miss you so much but I'm okay. You can go, rest, I'm okay." I whispered and he was suddenly gone then I fell to my knees and sobbed.

"Lina?!" Zak ran in and hugged me as the guys watched but I held his arms as I cried.

"He was here! My dad was here!" I sobbed and Zak held me tighter then I felt his head lay on mine.

"He's at rest now, he's alright."

"He was here!" I cried and felt his hands run through my hair, holding me close to his chest.

"He knows you're okay, he knows you're happy here but you miss him, it'll be alright." I nodded and felt my dad's callused fingers one last time before he was gone completely. I love you too, daddy.

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