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"This was Luna's and Taylor's room. They shared, as do the boys, but we had to replace the carpets after Luna-" Louisa stopped and I hugged her then she cried into my shoulder.

"I know." I whispered and she let go then wiped her tears.

"Do you mind if I do a spell? It'll weaken the dark spirit and give her a fighting chance." They nodded then I went into the room and grabbed my book.

"Spirits of this house, of this home, I call you forth to me. Feed off my power and reveal yourselves. If you are light and good, allow us to help you cross over and rest as your living ones would want. If you are dark and evil, we do not want you here. Go and return to where you call home. Release those you have bound to you and allow them to leave. If you do not, we will force you from this house." I read the spell then made the appropriate signs in chalk. When the spell was complete, I stood and closed my book.

"Thank you, Evelina." Eric said and I nodded then Zak cleared his throat.

"So, other than your daughter, are there any recorded deaths in this house?"

"Yes, twenty other deaths." Louisa said and I nodded then Taylor, Tyson, and Leo sat on one bed but seemed to avoid the other one.

"Was this Luna's?" I asked and Taylor nodded.

"Her things are in the attic." I nodded then slowly sat on her bed but felt a weight bare down on me.

"She's with us still, she won't leave any of you alone. She fears what the woman will do." I said and Nic looked at me.


"The darker spirit here is a woman, an evil woman who loves to hurt people. Luna is the only reason this woman hasn't harmed any of you. She's keeping her from harming all of you, but she's weak and won't be able to for much longer." Zak nodded then looked at the family.

"We've resevered three rooms for you and your family in our hotel. We'll have you stay there for the lockdown and while you pack, we're going to do more research on the house." Louisa nodded and we left as they packed but I was crying in the car.

"Luna is trying so hard to keep her family safe. She's getting weak, that woman is feeding off her spirit and she's getting weak. We have to help her." I told the guys as we drove to the town records hall then they nodded.

"We will, don't worry." I nodded and we got to the records hall then Zak asked for all the records on the house we were investigating. When we had them, we started combing through but I stopped as I found a particular record that got my attention.

"Guys." They looked at me then I stood and moved so they could see what I was looking at.

"The house was built in 1896 by a man named Charles Lumbar. He built it for his wife Elizabeth Lumbar who was the face of beauty. According to the local newspapers, Elizabeth was the most sadistic woman that lived in the town. She would have people killed if she didn't like them, had many parties in the house but countless people would go missing during these parties, and when she finally did have children, all but one died of mysterious circumstances." I showed them the photo then got to the part of her death.

"When she finally died in 1927, she was eighty three years old but swore on her dying breath that she would never leave the house. The only living descendant of the Lumbars is an older woman who lives in Canada." I said and Aaron looked at me.

"Dude, she could be the older woman keeping Luna trapped." Zak nodded and Billy slid his record over.

"This is the record of Luna's death. Look at her medical history." I did and saw she had the rap sheet of an old woman.

"She had arthritis, bad joints, asthma like a smoker, and even spinal problems. Wait, she was in a wheelchair." I grabbed the Elizabeth Lumbar file and compared it to Luna's.

"Elizabeth smoked for years, her bones showed spinal issues, bad joints, and there was a chance she had arthritis." I said and Jay looked then shook his head.

"You think Elizabeth possessed Luna and killed her?"

"That's exactly what I think." I said and they shared a look.

"It's happened before." Nic said and sighed.

"We have to tell the family." I nodded then we finished combing the records and returned to the house.

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