Yet Another Rogue

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The car slowly took me farther and farther from Luka, and I looked back for as long as I could see him. The drive through the city was beautiful, or at least I think it was, I couldn't concentrate on anything but the sound of my wolf whining for her mate. The car pulled up at the biggest house I had ever seen. It sparkled like a diamond, the sun rays bouncing off it and into my eyes. I kept walking forward toward the door, Luka's beta leasing the way.

"Through here..." the beta trailed off.

"Jess! Oh I am so sorry I forget to ask your name! I am a total idiot sometimes." I gave him an apologetic smile.

He flashed a big goofy grin. "Hey no problemo! My name's Mike! Its great to meet Luka's mate, he has been waiting for you for forever." Mike seemed nice, but his statement seemed insincere, i guess he is just trying to make me feel welcome or something.

I smiled back. "One of my best friends name is Mike! He would love this place. So would his mate Collin.

"Wait, is Mike" he questioned carefully.

"Yes. Does that matter?"

"No, um not to me. Or Luka! But um...Lukas parents are...a bit, old fashioned. They are strongly against gay mates. So maybe don't bring it up?" He looked worried for me, which was sweet. It was also sweet of him to think that I wouldn't bring it up. I think they are wrong so if they object to my friends, I am going to say something.

"Thanks for the tip." I flashed a grin.

"No worries, how about I show you your room?"


My room is BE-A-UTIFUL! The walls are a pale blue, and the bed is a queen with an aquamarine comforter. There is a window seat, and all my clothes are already put away! I think I like it here. I hear a knock and turn around to see a small blond girl with blue eyes looking through the door.

"Hello Luna, I am here to tell you that the ex-queen requests your presence in the living room."

"Oh man, please dont call me Luna, my name is Jess. Thanks for telling me! I'll be right down....?" I did the same thing mike did to me earlier, and waited for her name.

"Please Luna, call me Charlotte." She smiled at me. She really was beautiful, when I looked back to say goodbye she had disappeared, leaving behind a dress. I assumed I was meant to wear it so I put it on. The salmon colour really brought out my eyes. My eyes are kind of weird. One is green with a quarter brown and the other is blue with yellow streaks. I steeled myself and headed down to my mates mother.

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