Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five


Seth- Aqua Man, Aiden- Ironman, Josiah- Superman, Ethan- Captain America, Raleigh- Wonder Woman, Joseph- Hulk, Thomas- Green Lantern, Mallory- Black widow, Vincent- Thor, Myles- Doctor Strange, Ceicely- Batgirl, Tamsin- Harley Quinn, Blake- Supergirl, Bailey- Green Ivy, Noah- Rocket Raccoon, Riley- Groot, Remi- Lois Lane, Lainey-Katana, Ava- Catwoman, Milo- Batman, Keegan- Joker, Parker- Spiderman)

"Mommy!" Keegan yells from his crib, the two year old was getting uncomfortable.

Camila sighed and wriggled out from underneath Lauren, who was struggling to sleep. She made her way into Keegan's room. "What is it buddy?"

"Up," he whines, tears filling his eyes because of how uncomfortable he was.

Camila lifted him up. "Do you want to come lie with me and Lolo?"

Nodding his head, Keegan lays his head on her shoulder.

Camila carried Keegan into her and Lauren's bedroom. Camila had been lying with Lauren since her mom died, the younger girl felt more safe around Camila than she did with Dinah because Camila knew what she was going through.

Closing his eyes, the two year old slowly starts to fall asleep.

Camila laid down on the bed and put Keegan down beside her. She pulled Lauren close. The younger girl was still wide awake - she had barely slept in weeks and, even though she knew it wasn't good for her or the baby, she just couldn't sleep.

"He okay?" Lauren asked softly, curling into Camila's side.

"Yeah, I think he was just uncomfortable." Camila said softly, she kissed the top of Lauren's head.

Nodding her head, Lauren closes her eyes and grips onto Camila's shirt

Camila rubbed Lauren's back softly, the younger girl relaxed but didn't fall asleep, no matter how much she wanted to or tried, she just couldn't.

The next morning.

Keegan tapped Camila's arm tiredly. "Mommy, need changed."

Camila let out a quiet groan and rubbed her eyes, yawning. She opened her eyes and looked at Keegan.

"Need changed." The two year old whines out.

"Okay, okay." Camila sat up and stretched out her arms and legs. She noticed Lauren cowering in the corner - she must have had another nightmare.

Keegan held his arms up, frustration clear in his eyes.

Camila lifted Keegan up, she carried him over to the changing table and changed him quickly. "Better?"

Nodding his head, Keegan rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Hungry."

Camila glanced at Lauren. "What would you like?"

"Banana cakes!" The two year old responds immediately.

Camila glanced at the clock: 10am. "Okay bud, but don't tell mama."

"No tell mama." He promises immediately, laying his head on her shoulder.

Camila nodded, carrying him out of the room.


Normani shifts slightly in her sleep, curling into a ball against Dinah's side.

Dinah watched Normani. She knew she didn't hate the older woman but they had grown apart.

A soft groan escapes Normani as she slowly began to wake up. "Don't go," she mumbles.

"I'm not going anywhere." Dinah said confused.

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