Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty


Normani groaned and sat up with Camila's help.

Camila sighed, moving the small table in front of Normani. She placed a tray of food in front of the dark-skinned woman.

Slowly, Normani began to eat, she felt like she was burdening Camila and Dinah because both girls always seemed upset or annoyed.

Camila ran her fingers through Normani's hair softly and kissed the top of her head. "I'm going to run to the restroom, I'll be back in a minute." She disappeared out of the room.

When she came back, Normani was laying down, her food pushed to the side and tears in her eyes.

"Mani?" Camila asked, a confused frown on her face.

The dark-skinned girl had a hand resting on her stomach. "I dropped my fork." She breathed out.

Camila sighed and bent down, picking up the fork. She carried it over to the small sink in Normani's room and washed it before handing it to the other girl.

"I can't sit up." Normani whispered, feeling embarrassed.

Camila pushed some of her hair out of her face and moved over to sit Normani up before pushing the woman's food closer to her.

Normani slowly began to eat, tears still sliding down her cheeks.

Camila wiped the tears away. "Don't cry." She said softly.

"I'm sorry." Normani breathed out, looking down in embarrassment.

"Why do you keep apologising? None of this is your fault. The situation we are in isn't your fault. We can't change it." Camila released a breath. "There is no point in being embarrassed. We are your family. We see you at your worse and your best. We are here for you."

"Because I keep upsetting you." Normani whispered.

"You don't upset me." Camila responded. "I'm just frustrated because you're in this situation and you're in pain. I'd take your position if I could."

Looking up slowly, Normani fights back tears. "Everything hurts."

"I'd take your place if I could." Camila repeated. "And I know everything hurts that's why you are on extra strong morphine."

Taking a deep breath, Normani looks into Camila's eyes. "I want to go home."

"Unfortunately you can't. You have to stay here because you are on extra strong morphine. They won't let you go home and still take that." Camila said softly. "Just try to relax."

Frowning, Normani takes a few more bites of food before laying back on the bed tiredly.

Camila moved the tray and the table out of the way.

"How are the twins?" Normani asked worriedly.

"They are fine. They miss you." Camila said softly.

Nodding her head, Normani smiles tiredly. "I wish I was there."

Camila offered Normani a smile before leaning down and kissing the top of the dark-skinned girl's head.

Normani smiles and leans into Camila's touch. "I love you."

"I love you too." Camila said softly.

Closing her eyes, Normani takes a slow deep breath and grips the hospital blanket as pain shoots through her abdomen.

Camila sighed, she straightened her back and looked at the watch on her wrist. "Mani, I have to get to work."

"Okay." The dark-skinned girl breathed out, her jaw clenched in pain.

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