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Recently planet earth was infiltrated by monsters. Monsters that range from your typical zombie, to mutated animals, to aliens.

The government has built apartments high off the ground which have the ability to "lock down" at night to keep whomever inside safe.

Each apartment has two bedrooms and houses 4 people, 2 girls and 2 guys. The government decided who you'll room with and which apartment you'll be in.

All of these apartments are surrounded by enormous walls. Within the walls the city remains safe during the day. At night everyone must be in their apartments on lock down. After 10 pm the monsters begin to make their way over the walls and into the city. Everyone is required to stay in lock down until 6am.

During the day the city is open and a relatively happy place. The crime rate is low and the economey is doing great.

Everyone is seperated into the three normal groups:

Upper class

Middle class

Lower class

The upper class are in charge of governing the city and managing the economey.

The middle class are in charge of normal jobs like before the apocolypse (doctors, police, scientists, etc.)

The lower class are in charge of supplying food/water to everyone, cleaning, matenince, and serving the upper class men.

Then there is a seperate group of people who don't have a class. They're called the guardians. The guardians are pretty much self explanatory. They go around at night with military gear and equipment on a mission to protect the apartments and the people in them. However it is a risky and dangerous job. Many many people die.

Within the walls lies Gilligan City.

Would you survive?

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