Chapter 12

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Lathaniel: "We have who knows how long before the Etherion strikes and destroys Tenrou."

Juvi: "B-But if the Etherion fires while everyone is on the island..."

Lucy: "Who knows what kind of damage it will cause this time."

Lathaniel: "Well it won't be pretty, that's for sure."

Natsu: "Then we'll have to take care of business before that happens" *He crosses his arm*

Doranbolt: "You're Master has been defeated! And Grimoire Heart has incredibly powerful wizards on their side! There's no way you can beat them!"

Natsu: "Oh yeah? So what we just let the island get blasted to pieces?"

Wendy: "We can't let that happen! This island is considered sacred ground because our First Master's Grave is here! We have to try and protect it!"

Lucy: "Here's a message for the Magic Council. Tell them they better back off, or they'll be sorry."

Happy: "Aye! Tell them Fairy Tail can always take care of themselves!"

Doranbolt: "You're threatening the Magic Council? You lowly wizards?!"

Lathaniel: "Listen up Doranbolt! You have lots to learn. We don't care if it's Grimoire Heart or the Magic Council. We won't back down!"

Juvi: And one more thing.

Lathaniel &Juvi grabbed Doranbolt by the collar and pulled him close.

Lathaniel &Juvi: "Attack Fairy Tail and it's going to be your last mistake. We'll put you down faster than you can imagine!"

Dark clouds started to form over the island. Wendy looked up and saw.

Wendy: "Guys... it looks like there's a storm brewing."

In moments it started to rain heavily. Lathaniel put on his hood to shield his head from the rain.

Lathaniel: "No time to waste then. Carla, Pantherlily, Tana can you go find our scout around the island and then come back? We'll find shelter in one of the nearby areas."

Carla\Tana: "Yes."

Pantherlily: "Let's go!"

The two flew off to search around the island while everyone else went into a tunnel Lucy came out of when she was still with Cana.

Lucy: "Ugh, my clothes are soaked! I'll have Virgo bring me some clothes. You all better not stare while I change!"

Lathaniel, Natsu, Ren, and Happy went to the entrance and looked outside. Doranbolt sat against the wall by Makarov, while Lucy summoned Virgo, who brought a change of clothes. Wendy&Juvi stood near where Lucy was changing. Lucy finished changing and came out.

Lucy: "How do I look?"

Wendy: "You look great."


Virgo: "Celestial World Clothing suits you well Princess. That's our latest fashion there. Do you like it?"

Lucy: "Of course!"

Virgo: "Glad I could be of service. Now..."

Virgo brought out another outfit and held it around Wendy&Juvi.

Virgo: "Your turn!"

Juvi: what?

Wendy: "Huh? You didn't have to do this for me."

Virgo: "Please, think nothing of it. Now please, change before you too  catch a cold."

Wendy&Juvi: "Okay."

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