Chapter 11:Grimoire Heart Strikes! Lathaniel reawakens

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Before Levy was found by Erza and Juvia, she,Juvi and Gajeel found themselves under dire circumstances. Two unknown attackers moved to strike, heavily damaging Levy,Juviand Gajeel. One appeared to be a humanoid chicken, and the other was a goat-like human in a samurai outfit. Levy was on the ground far behind Gajeel, while the attackers faced Juvi. Gajeel was hurt badly and was on his hands and knees.

Samurai: "Well, Kawazu, we may well finish them all before the main force arrives."

Kawazu: "I agree Yomazu, Bwakaack! They are much weaker than we anticipated."

Gajeel: "T-There's more of you bastards?"


Kawazu: "This one is still clucking away."

Yomazu: "We are merely the reconnaissance team, the rest of Grimoire Heart will be arriving shortly."

Levy\Juvi: "What? The rest of the guild..?"

Gajeel: "Levy... run..."

Levy: "Huh?"

Gajeel: "This ain't gonna be some simple little fight. It's going to be worse than we can imagine."

Levy: "But I can't just leave you guys!"

Juvi: "Get out of here! Go tell the others what's going on! We'll be okay! We can handle these guys, so move it!"

Levy listened and ran away.

Yomazu: "You're not getting away that easi-Guoo!"

Juvi turned her arm into ice and extended it right into Yomazu's gut, stopping him from moving.

Levy: "Gajeel! Are you okay!"

Juvi: "What did we just say?!"

Levy kept running, but not before using her Solid Script Magic to create a large piece of iron&ice in front of Gajeel.

Levy: <Please, stay strong...>

Gajeel&Juvi then picked up the iron&ice and began to eat away at it.

Kawazu: "We let the little one get away, Bwakack!"

Yomazu: "We can get her after we deal with this one."

Gajeel &Juvi finished eating the iron&ice and slammed the ground with their fist, getting both Yomazu's and Kawazu's attention.

Gajeel: "You think you can come in here and pick a fight with Fairy Tail, do ya? I did too, way back when..."

He recalled back to his fight with Lathaniel when he was still in Phantom Lord.

Juvi: "Hehehe, are you ready? You're about to find out just how much you screwed up!"

She then took in a deep breath.

Gajeel: "Iron Dragon... Roar!!!"
Juvi: Ice Dragon.....Roar!!!

They unleashed their breath attack at Yomazu, who used his eastern style script magic to spell out defense (It's in Japanese Kanji) Kawazu made his way around to Gajeel's back and spit out a large amount of eggs into the air.

Gajeel: "What the?!"

Yomazu: "Look above you, fool."

Gajeel looked up and saw all the eggs that Kawazu shot up into the air rain down on him. They crashed down on Gajeel as he tried to defend himself. A thick layer of smoke covered the area around Gajeel after Kawazu's attack, giving Yomazu the time to attack Gajeel. Juvi turned one of her arms into a ice rod in an attempt to defend from Yomazu's katana.

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