Chapter 9: An Old Friend

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the outskirts of Magnolia, the Reverse Anima opened up and Everyone from Earthland fell through, piling on top of each other as they hit the ground, grunting in pain. For a moment, Natsu appeared as if he was going to vomit, but he quickly realized they were back in Earthland and got up along with everyone else.

Natsu&Lathaniel: "WE'RE BAAACK!!"

Juvi: "Everything is back to normal!"

Lucy: "There's Magnolia!"

Happy: "We did it!"

Erza: "Wait! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We shouldn't celebrate until we know everyone is okay."

???: "They're all fine! We got here before you guys did so we went and checked on them!"

They looked up and saw all of the Exceeds from Extalia flying above them.

Lathaniel: "H-Huh?"

Exceed 1: "We decided to fly through town and check on everyone!"

Exceed 2: "Your friends are doing great!"

Exceed 3: "When we talked to them they didn't even know they got turned into a lacrima!"

Exceed 4: "Earthland is totally awesome you guys! There's tons of magic power!"

Carla: "W-what are they doing here! This isn't right! Exceeds don't belong in Earthland!"

Wendy: "C-Carla...?"

Carla: "They cannot be allowed to stay here! They are far too dangerous! They should return to Edolas!"

All the Exceeds landed in front of the Earthland Wizards and faced Carla. Happy and Wendy were both trying to calm Carla down.

Tana: "B-Be nice..."

Wendy: "Their homeland is gone and they have nowhere to go. We should forgive them."

Carla: "Never!"

Exceeds: "We apologize for throwing rocks at you lady."    "We're really sorry."    "We have no place to go now that Extalia is destroyed."    
"We'll promise to be nicer to you now."    "Please forgive us."

Carla: "This has nothing to do with you kids! It's her! I'm angry because Extalia's queen and her lackeys sent us on a mission to Earthland to kill the DragonSlayers!"

Lucky sudden popped out from a bush.

Lucky: "I know! The queen ordered us to give up all our eggs! How could she be so heartless?! Gaaah!"

Rin: "L-Lucky, calm down."

Marl: "Rin is right dear, calm down."

Ren: "Mom!"

Happy: "Hey there Mister!"

Older Exceed: "Yeah, no kiddin. She never even told us why, did she?"

The Councilmen around Shagotte started to explain.

Councilmen 1: "I can assure you, she had a very honorable reason to do so."    

Councilman 2: "I remember it vividly. It was 6 years ago."

Councilman 3: "As I mentioned before Queen Shagotte has the ability to glimpse into the future. A gift and a curse at the same time."

Councilman 4: "One day, she saw a vision that Extalia was going to fall and be destroyed."    

Councilman 2: "We assumed that it would be because of the humans, but we now see that it was caused by natural powers"

Councilman 3: "It was then that Shagotte decided to save our children."

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