Chapter 39

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Tanisha POV


God I can't believe I have to come here of all places. After finally escaping my psychopath of an exe I ran to the only place I could go. My aunt's house. I was kicked out of the house when I was sixteen because my delusional ass egg donor swore up and down I wanted her useless man. I didn't have anywhere to go so I had no choice but to trust Darren. Which was a HUGE mistake.

He became abusive and very possessive over me. I just got enough money to run away from him. I unfortunately didn't have enough money for a new place so now I'm staying with my thot cousin and her bigger thot of a mama. I swear niggas stay coming and going in here. These two literally do shit around here and yet I have to work, cook, and clean?

I shouldn't be surprised since that's the ONLY reason they let me stay here. I'm not very liked by my family for a number of reasons. I'll sum it all up in one singular word. They're jealous. It's evident in the fact the only thing they can say about me is that I'm dark and therefore 'ugly'. They couldn't top me looking their best on my worst day so they can kick rocks for all I care. I have some money saved so hopefully I won't have to be in this bitch any longer than necessary.


"Aye Nisha put some clothes on," Tiana came in my room nearly half naked. I don't know why this bitch always walking around butt naked but she needs to stop. And she ain't got no bikini wax? The bitch is slack as fuck.

"For what?" I just worked forty hours this week and this is my only day off. I'm trying to enjoy some rest.

"There's a party going down and I can't go unless you come so put something on. Chop chop! I don't have all day." I don't know who this bitch is trying to order me around but she's about to get slapped. "Oh and Tony's coming over." I hopped up fast and went into the shower. Tony is one of her mom's many men. When he comes over she screams like a baptist in church on Sunday. Music does very little for her loud mouth ass.

I went with something plain but cute. I may not know anybody but I still have to dress to slay these hoes. I came downstairs and saw Tiana wearing what I call coochie huggers cause them shits is all up inside her crotch. And she was wearing a baby shirt that was unflattering in every sense of the word.

"I'm ready," I said. She looked me up and down in dissatisfaction. It's not like I dressed for you, the fuck? "Can we go before I change my mind?"

She sucked her teeth. "My girl outside waiting for us anyway." I don't like none of her friends neither. All they do is shit talk and bad mouth me. I've been trying very hard to keep my cool before those hoes end up hospitalized. "Girl I got the juice."

"What happen?" I just sat back playing on my nails.

"Well apparently, Tamia is still gunning for her place next to Dallas. I guess those ass whoopings from Maria ain't teach her ass yet." They laughed. Well shit they were just cool last week. This is why I don't fuck with females. They're all smiles in your face but quick to stab you in the back. Dudes ain't no different either. This is why I always stayed to myself.

"Shoot I'd gun for Dallas sexy ass too shit. Maria ain't got shit on me. I can do some things that she can only dream about." Like give the nigga a one plane ticket to STD land. I swear these two irk my everlasting nerves.


So we pulled up to this pretty big house in the white people neighborhood, well on the outskurts. The sidegate to the backyard was open and seeing everyone going through it told me that's where we have to go. So many people were walking around. "Where we at?" I need to know at all times my destination.

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