Chapter 34

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Chance POV


This plan of Sophia and Selena sounds fun as hell. So of course I had to be apart of it. "So you like this Box nigga?"

"Yeah I guess," she shrugged. "But he doesn't like me."

"If that was true he wouldn't feel threatened by me," I laughed. "But for real Sophia, that nigga dumb if he doesn't like you. You're beautiful, caring, funny, and you have respect for yourself. Even if you have trouble loving yourself."

"Yeah well, that doesn't matter if you have no assets," she mumbled.

I raised my brow at her. "It's not what's on the outside that counts Sophia. You know that."

She sighed. "Everyone keeps saying that but we all know that's not true. No one is looking at what you have on the inside. They're looking for someone they can show off."

"If that's true, and this Box guy is more concerned with whether you have a big ass and titties, why do you like him?"

"I don't know," she mumbled looking down. "I don't want to think about this anymore. Let's go do something."

"What did you have in mind?"

"Come on," she got up and ran outside. "Let's go slow ass!"

"Rude just like your damn sister." I grabbed my keys and left behind her. If she's dragging me to get in trouble I'll just say I got kidnapped.



"Bae," I looked up at my girl. "Can we go somewhere?" she pouted.

"Where you wanna go?"

"The beach!"

I chuckled. "Iight ma." She smiled and went to get ready. And yup, you heard right. I got a girl now. We been talking for a minute now. No one in the squad knew, not even Speed. I tend to keep my shit to myself. My girl Talia is a red bone chick, thick, green eyes, and curly short brown hair. She's cute and has a pretty personality. She matches my personality and my type of girl. I know I said I didn't want to be in a relationship before but there was something about her that I liked.




Man it's hot as hell. I should've stayed my ass home. The beach is right next to a carnival so we're walking around. Talia went to the restroom so I was holding our place in line for this ride called the crazy mouse. I noticed this chick right in front of me that looked kind of familiar. She was really skinny.

"Girl you're trying to kill a real nigga?" sounds like something Drew would say. "If I die I'm coming back to haunt your ass."

"Dude we're going on the ride together. If you die then I'm going to die too. How are you going to haunt me if we're both dead?"

"Shut your ugly ass up." She started laughing. He pushed the girl making her stumble into me.

"My bad." Her smile dropped when she saw me. "Oh hey Box."

"Hey." It was quiet between us. "So what y'all doing out here?"

"It was boring so we came out here," Chance said. "Where we going next?"

"Ferris wheel!"

"The devil is a liar. I'm not going on anymore death traps with you."

"Stop being a bitch." They started bickering like normal.

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