Chapter 31

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****Explicit Content****

Dallas POV


By the time we got to LA it was late. Most of everyone was tired. Not me. I'm livid. I told Maria to stay her ass home. God she doesn't listen. I'm going to end up choking her ass out after this. 

We dropped our stuff off at a hotel before going to the precinct. "I'm going to kill her," I shook my head.

"I never thought I'd see the day," Tyson shook his head. "Maria behind bars. I wonder what she did. For a six hundrend thousand dollar bail nonetheless." We pulled up to the police station.

"We're about to find out," Drew said. "Maria is about to get in trouble. Maria is about to get in trouble." I smacked the shit out of him. I'm really not in the mood for bull shit. "Well damn nigga. Your girl ran off and got locked up and I'm the one who gets smacked."

"You'll get more than that if you don't shut the fuck up." A kingpin walking inside a police precinct. I thought I'd never see the day I'd be in here without handcuffs on. "Y'all arrested some people yesterday. I'm here to bail them out."

"Who?" The cop look ready to hop on my dick any minute.

"Maria Hernandez." She did some shit in the computer.

"Their bail is supposed to be like six hundred G's," Speed said. "What the hell did they do?"

"It says here her and her companions were apprehended on vandalism charges."

"What the fuck did they vandalize? A church?" Drew asked.

"It seems they broke the display glass on a store and proceeded to damage two squad cars that were stationed there."

"Two squad cars? Y'all niggas pay for that shit. It's y'all fucking property," Tyson snapped.

"Just hurry up and bring them out here." I gave them the money. When Maria gets out of here I'm killing her ass.

Maria POV


Gosh I forgot how boring this was. Staring at a bland wall for hours sucks. "Hernandez you've made bail," this same creepy officer came to get me. I stood up ready to go. "You know you're too pretty to be in here." Oh god not this speech.

"Mhmm," I didn't even wanna hear what he had to say.

"The guy who bailed you out, is he your boyfriend?"

"Nope," I said popping the p. He looked happy. Now I have to fuck with his mind. "That's my baby's father." His entire look fell and I laughed in his face.

"Come on," he looked so hurt and mad. He pushed me out the cell.

"Are you mad or mad mad?" I was crying laughing at this pig in his feelings. I made it to the front where my laughing immediately stopped. Dallas looked so mad. Chance and everybody else was with him. "H-Hey y'all." Dallas was giving me the death glare.

"Don't say shit get in the car," he said. I was kind of perplexed on how I felt about being man-handled like this. It was kind of a turn on.

"Dallas is going to kill us," Sophia whispered.

"No he's gonna kill me." I'm so scared of what he's gonna do to me later.




The whole drive to our hotel was quiet. Dallas was making us go to the hotel he was at. I think he's just trying to make it easier to kill me. "Maria," Chance said as we were gathering our stuff. "Before your man puts you on total lockdown I got something I need to ask you."

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