Chapter 27

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Maria POV


I was stuck for words. He really just said he wanted to father someone else's child. Most guys don't even want to father their own kids let alone one they have no connection with. It is hard being a teen mom but I was willing to travel that hard bumpy road. Alone if necessary. I've heard horror stories of step-parents abusing kids and I was never worried because I never planned to bring anyone around Santi. I did live through a terrible step-parent story myself after all. Even as I grow closer to Dallas the thought of someone being a father-figure to Santi never crossed my mind.

"Maria?" he was waiting for an answer.

"Why? Most people don't want to take care of their own kids let alone someone else's."

"I want to be there for you in every way possible. I know you can do this on your own but that doesn't mean you should. I grew up without a dad and I know how that shit feels. I don't want Santi growing up with that feeling. I know I fucked up bad with you but I'm willing to fix all of that. I know being there for you means being there for Santi as well and that's a weight I'm willing to bare. I want to try to be the best dad I can be. Give him what he needs. Be the person he talks to about girls. Help him cause a little trouble and get out of it. Please give me a chance?"

I was speechless. I had no idea this was how he felt. I knew he had feelings for me but I didn't know how intense they were. I mean I liked him too I just don't know if my feelings would be as cut throat and to the point as his. I stared at him and he stared at me. I could see he meant every word. But I still dont know if I should. I sighed. "I know you mean well and everything Dallas but this is a big decision I can't take lightly. I don't know if me or Santi is ready for that type of commitment. There's still some trust issues there."

His look fell a little. "But-"

"Don't get me wrong," I said. "I do trust you with my life. I trust you with my sister's lives. I even trust you with Santi and that's a big thing for me. I need time to trust you with my heart. What you're talking about is a commitment I'm not sure I'm ready to take with you just yet."

He looked disappointed but nodded. "I understand. I won't stop though Maria. I'm going to prove to you how serious I am." I smiled and nodded.

Dallas POV


I have to admit I am disappointed she didn't say yes right away but I understand. She needs to see just how serious I am about us. I'm willing to throw every hoe out of the window for Maria and Santi. Since she didn't completely shoot me down, I know there's a window of opportunity and I will not let it close. I fucked up in the beginning and in the middle but I'm going to get on my shit and be there for all of them. "Maria...what happened to your mom?"

"She had a weak heart growing up and died during child birth with me."

"So are Sophia and Selena your half siblings or something?"

"Yeah. When I was two my dad remarried and they had Sophia shortly after. Their mom wasn't shit. All she did was downgrade me and my sisters. I had to get over my insecurities to help Sophia and Selena get over theirs. Sophia is still a bit insecure but she's getting better." I nodded. "Now that you know my life story. Tell me about you."

"Well like I said I grew up without a dad. I don't know the story between them because my mom never talks about it. But I can tell it's kind of a painful thing to talk about so I never asked her about it. My mom was and still is my best friend. I don't have any siblings that I know of. Her side of the family is big as hell. I was actually bullied a lot growing up. These dudes tried to jump me one day and it was Tyson who came to help me out. We've been brothers ever since. Shortly after I linked up with this man who helped me get in the drug game. He was a friend of my mom's and a cool dude. He died some time ago though. Hurt me because he was kind of like a father to me."

"I'm sorry to hear that," she gave me a sympathetic smile. "He's always in your heart Dallas. Remember that." I nodded and smiled.

Tyson POV


"Dallas Montegue?" You know we got a ghetto ass hospital. They don't even have his real name on file. It's not like he legally changed it or anything.

"Just sign here and you can go on up." I signed us all in.

"Man why we coming back here?" Box complained. He's terrified of heights and that shit be funny as hell. Nigga be sweating and panting and shit.

"Bitch," Drew laughed. When we got to the elevator you could see Box started sweating immediately. "I wonder how often these things break down." Drew knows he's wrong for even putting that thought in Box's head.

"Man shut the fuck up," Box said. You can see just how nervous he was being back on this thing. He gripped the railings and started shaking. "Man why they make this building so tall?"

Once we got off we went straight to Dallas room. Maria was lying on top of the covers and Dallas was holding little man. They looked like a little family and shit. I don't know what the hell they're waiting on. Need to hurry up and date.

"Wake up bitches," Drew was always ruining the moment.

"What y'all doing back here?" Dallas yawned. "And stop all that fucking yelling Drew. It's a damn hospital."

"Nigga I wouldn't give a fuck if it was a funeral." As fucked up as it sounds it's actually true. Drew really doesn't change for any situation.

"Non-manners having ass," Maria shook her head. Drew smacked the shit out of the leg she was shot in. She yelled something out in Spanish and flicked him off.

"Anyways, we came to bring food," Drew said. "Eat up fuckers." He tossed the iHop to-go plates at them.

"Rude ass," Speed shook his head.

Drew just shrugged. He walked to the window and was quiet. "Appreciate it guys," Dallas said laughing a little. We stayed and hung out. Maria left to do god knows what.

"So is it official?" I asked. "She did spend the night with you and everything. Y'all finally together?"

"Nah not yet."

"Really nigga?" Speed straight-faced him. "Y'all been here all night and nothing happened?"

"Not really. I told her how I felt and everything. Even though she forgives me she still has some trust issues with us getting together. I just have to try harder."

"Fuck around and Maria gets another dude. That girl is a true rider. All she ever talked about was you and asking if you were okay. If you wanna be with her then you should go for it," Speed said.

"You have room to talk?" Drew grinned. "What about you and Selena?"

"Nigga you trying to go to jail and get castrated," Box laughed.

Speed sucked his teeth. "Man shut the fuck up. I don't even like her like that. She cool peoples and that it. Don't even try that with me Box. We all know you feeling Sophia."

"Damn," Dallas laughed. "Y'all ain't worth shit louding each other's business out like that. Box I didn't think you'd go for her type though."

"I don't. She's cool and all but I'm not trying to settle down any time soon. I'm not finna fuck and duck her neither. What we got is straight platonic."

"What about that kiss?"

"Didn't meananything," he shrugged. He keep acting like that all he wants. All theseniggas are going to end up losing the female they want. Thank god I'm happilysingle and do not have to worry about shit like this.

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