Chapter 14

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Maria POV


God I hate waking up early! Even on my off days I wake up before anybody, mainly because Selena and Sophia takes forever to get up. Dallas had Santi on his chest. I guess he was mixing up last night and Dallas got him. They look so cute. I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture. I got up and went to do my hygiene thing. After that I went to check on everybody. Sophia and Box left a big gap in between them. I knew I wouldn't have to worry about her. Drew had his thumb in his mouth cuddling a teddy bear with the black eye I gave him last night. Ooh I got his ass now! I took a couple of pictures before checking on Selena and Speed. She was balled up in her usual position and Speed was lying on top of the covers.

I decided to be nice today even if I shouldn't. I made a big breakfast of pancakes, bacon, eggs, biscuits, and sausage. I had just made the last batch of pancakes when Dallas came down in different clothes and Santi in his arms. "Buenos dias papi chulo and hijo." Dallas grunted. I laughed. I guess he's still mad. "Papi chulo you mad at me?"

"Shut up Maria," he mugged me. I laughed harder. Last night after Drew slow ass hit me with a belt I ran downstairs to get a knife and stab him. He caught me and we ended up fighting. He had me on the floor hitting me with the belt until I 'behaved'. I still have welts from it. It hurt so much. But once he let me go I decked him in the eye, hence his black eye. I convinced Dallas to massage my bruises. Which meant he was rubbing all over my booty. He got aroused and I wasn't giving him shit so he went into the bathroom. Came out fifteen minutes later smelling like my body lotion. I was dying.

"Oh papi chulo, I'm sorry." I went to hug him but he just pushed me away. I was laughing so hard my sides hurt.

"Wassup people?" Drew came down in pajama pants and a Bart Simpson shirt. I mugged his ugly ass. "Girl keep looking at me like that and watch me get my belt." Bitch ass.

"Morning," Selena, Sophia, and the guys came downstairs. I put all the food on the table and got them their plates.

"Aye niggas!" Tyson walked into the room. He took the last available chair and made himself a plate. "Twin you can cook!" They were stuffing their faces.

"I know," I shrugged. Since Dallas is mad at me I sat down on Tyson's lap to eat. Dallas mugged me and I mugged him back. We talked and joked about last night. "Fuck you Drew."

"You mad because I whooped that ass or mad because I put that ass in check?"

"Keep fucking with me and I'll get my gun."

"You gotta catch me nigga." This asshole doesn't have a clue on who I am or who my father was. I got guns all over this house. One is right under this table.

"Drew don't underestimate me. Now putas, get the hell out my house and go to school." They put their dishes in the dish washer and headed out. "I'll drop Santi off."

"Nah it's on the way so I got it," Dallas said grabbing his bag.

"Alright let me call them and let them know." The daycare I got Santi at is pretty big on security. Only people on the list can sign Santi in or out and they're going to need identification before hand. "What's your name? I need it so they can add your name to the list."


"Negro your real name. The name that's on your driver's license because they will ask for proof." He pulled out his driver's license and sure enough he had Dallas on it. "That is not your real name."

"It's the name everyone knows me by and the name I put on my driver's license. I don't give out my real name."

"Yeah yeah okay." I dialed their number to let them know the change. "Bye hijo," I waved.

"Bye mami," he waved back.





Papi Chulo: Ma go check out the trap

Can't even relax without someone telling me to do something I swear. I threw on some shoes and went to Sophia's car. This better be fucking important.

Selena POV


Looks like shit got real because by lunch the guys were gone. It was just me and Sophia now. "What do you think happened?" she asked. I shrugged. Anything could've happened.

"I just hope it's not that serious." We talked until lunch was over and we went our separate ways. I stopped by my locker to get my Algebra book.

"You're Selena right?" some really cute boy came up to me.

"Who's asking?"

"My name's Christian. You work for Dallas right?"

Speed told me about this. People would come up to me on some friendly shit but not to trust it or them. Can't let anybody catch you slipping. Cute or not this boy could be plotting against me. Besides, we just joined in the gang yesterday. How the hell he know we're with them anyway? Maria and papi didn't raise a fool.

"I'm sorry but you have me confused with someone else."

"I see you sitting with them everyday."

"Correction. He sits with us everyday. And why are you watching me eat?" He was really light skin, probably mixed with something, he started blushing. "I've gotta go to class." I was halfway down the hall when he stopped me. "What do you want now?"

"I just wanted to say you passed the test," he smiled at me. Test? What test? "Speed told me to come to you and see if you'd blow it. I'm glad you didn't."

"Speed put you up to this?" he nodded. "Prove it." We went to an empty hallway and he pulled out his phone and called someone.

"Did you do it?" I hear Speed say.

"Yup, she didn't fold or nothing boss." Well I guess he was telling the truth. They talked briefly and he hung up. "Believe me now?"

"Okay I guess so." The bell rang. "Welp looks like I'm not going to class. I'm not about to hear this teacher's mouth."

"Let's hang in the gym then. Most of the guys are there."

"What guys?"

"Young people like us who sell weed for Dallas. You in?" I have nothing else to do.Might as well just kickback, relax and make some new friends.

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