Chapter 10

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Sophia POV


Something did not feel right. I'm sitting in my last class waiting for this bell to ring. My leg was shaking uncontrollably as I stared this clock down like my life depended on it. The fight we had spread quickly. Some people looked at me differently. They thought I couldn't fight. Ha! I proved them bitches wrong didn't I? But fuck them. My sister telepathy is in overdrive right now. It's kind of like that myth that twins can communicate telepathically. Even though we're not twins or triplets it's like we can all just tell when one of us is in trouble. After hours of staring at this clock the bell rang. Okay it was three minutes but it felt like hours. I was the first one up and running out the class.

"Whoa there girl," I nearly ran Box over. What is he doing outside of my class anyway? Not the time. "You running like there's a fire or something."

"I'm sorry Box. I can't talk right now. I'm in a rush."

"You okay?" He looked genuinly concerned. He has the cutest concern face. Not the time Sophia. I just need to find Selena and get the hell out of here. We need to see Maria like yesterday.

"I think something's wrong. I just have a feeling."

"Sophia!" Selena came running my way. People moved out of her way. Speed was right behind her. What the hell? "W-We have to g-go," she was trying to catch her breath. "Damn running is of the devil," she breathed in dramatically.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Maria," Speed said. Oh god! My heart rate was through the roof. "She went with Dallas to a meeting and she got shot. She's at the trap." Selena and I took off running to our car just like the guys. Lord please let my sister live. I don't know what I'll do without her.

Maria POV


I swear on everything I love if Drew does not shut the fuck up I'm going to shoot his ass. This nigga is making my head hurt. Forever talking sand shit. "Drew shut the fuck up!"

"Why you gotta yell at me?!" he cried. This nigga is actually crying. I really am going to pimp slap the bitch out of his ass in a minute. "I'm trying to show you some love."

"Nigga for what? It's a goddamn graze. I've had bike accidents worse than this." My arm does sting a bit but I've been shot before. A bullet graze ain't shit.

"I'm sorry for dragging you in my shit Maria," Dallas said. He looked like he really meant it. I am a little upset about the whole thing simply because I knew some shit would happen. But it's not all his fault. I should've just went home like I initially planned.

"Nah it's cool Dallas. This is nothing." The girl he got to patch me up was finally done with whatever it is she called herself doing. She left and in came Box, Speed, Sophia, and Selena.

"Maria!" They jumped on me. These heavy bitches. "Are you okay? How'd you get shot? I thought you were dead." And on and on they rambled.

"Will y'all shut the fuck up? Man damn! It's a damn graze now get off me putas." Something dawned on me. "Where the fuck is Santi?!!!" They looked guilty.

"We were worried about you." I should choke these two out.

I took a deep breath before I spazzed. "Just get in the car." They did as I said. I know I'm going to be late for work. "Tell your hoe to write me a doctor's note on why I didn't go to work."

"Well damn Maria," Tyson said. "You so rude and shit. Could've at least thanked the girl instead of calling her a hoe."

"Shut your horse head ass up and do as I say."

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