Chapter 20

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Dallas POV


Come to find out that one of my workers and the hoe was working together to steal from me. You already know he was dead. It's been a couple of days and so far everything is straight and business is good. The girls are doing their own thing with the business.

I went to the mall to get me a new outfit and some shoes. It's been awhile since we've went out so the whole gang is about to go to the club. My dress game need to be on point.

As I was coming out the store I see this bad ass female. I mean little mama was bad. She was arguing with some dude. I'm not about to get in anybody business. He raised his hand to her. One thing I don't tolerate is a man putting his hands on a female. I stepped in between them and flashed home boy my gun. "You sure you wanna do that partner?" he looked at me and then the girl before backing off. "You good ma?"

"Yes thank you."

"No problem." I stared at her face and she was sexier than I thought with a round face, big brown eyes, and full lips. "I'm sorry for staring ma. You're really beautiful."

"Thank you," she blushed. It's cute.

"If you don't mind me asking, who was ole dude? You got beef?"

"Just someone who wouldn't take a hint," she shrugged. "I'm sorry but I have to go." She ran off before I can ask for her name and number. Damn man.

My mind briefly traveled to Maria. Putting them side by side, Maria looked a lot better in my opinion with a fire ass attitude to match. My feelings for her have only grown stronger as time passes by. The only downside is I'm learning less and less about her and I'm beginning to feel us disconnect. It's like our relationship isn't going anywhere.

Maria POV


It's been getting boring so we're all going out tonight. Jay is keeping Santi for us so we going to be out a little late. I already told Selena and Sophia they are not to leave the designated area or I will embarrass their ass.

"Rate my sexiness," Selena said stunting into my room. She had on a fitted strapless dress with heels on. Her hair was its normal natural puff. "Between nine and eleven how hot am I?"

"Girl sit your ass down somewhere."

"Jealous hoes." She went into my closet, probably looking into my jewelry drawer. Sophia came in with black leggings on, a red partially see threw London blouse, and red suede stiletto heels. "Oh mami you look so sexy."

"You really think so?" she asked nervously.

"Yes honey work it," Selena snapped her fingers.

"Mhmm, let me find out you hoes are trying to get sexy for some niggas."

"Girl please you're getting dolled up for Dallas ass."

"The lies you tell." I wasn't even all that glammed up. I wore a red mini skirt, a black bondage co-ord top, with black caged platform shoes. "Anyways, Selena that's too much black. Put on some red jewelry and switch out for your red heels." She did as I say. "Alright let's go."

We all met up at the club and was given immediate access. This was exactly what we needed. This club is turnt all the way up. We've been in VIP smoking and drinking. I'm about to get white boy wasted!

Dallas POV


Your boy is turnt to the max. Girls were breaking their backs trying to twerk and get close to a real nigga. But little mama from the mall is still on my mind. Damn I should've gotten her number. And with her came the thoughts of me and Maria's relationship. Or lack thereof. Just thinking about it messed with me.

"Aye I'll be back," I told them. Maybe walking it off a bit will get me back in the partying mood. They were all too busy dancing to pay me any attention. I went downstairs and bumped into someone. "My bad." I know I looked crazy smiling at this girl. "So we meet again."

"Mhmm I see you're stalking me." I laughed. "I'm Kenya," she flashed me a pretty smile.

"Dallas." We shook hands. "So who you here with?"

"I was with my friend but she ditched me so I'm all by myself." So that means she ain't got no nigga in the cut.

"You can hang with me and my crew if you want." She smiled and nodded. I smiled too before realizing that the depressing thought of me and Maria's relationship status was pushed out of my mind. We both headed back up the stairs.

Sophia POV


Right now everybody was acting crazy. The only really sober ones are me and Box. We're sitting here recording them and laughing. Can you say blackmail?

"Kill em twin!" Tyson was making it rain on Maria. She was on the table twerking and drinking. She looks crazy as hell.

"Oh shit look at Selena." Selena was giving Speed a lap dance. She was working it too.

"Ooh I got her ass now," I laughed taking a video. The face Speed made was priceless. I was dying. I looked and saw Drew on the bar dirty grinding the air. Lord I'm done with these people I swear.

"They got that drunk in just a minute?" Dallas said coming out the cut. A pretty girl was right behind him. I sized her up a bit. There's something about her that's not sitting right with me.

"Shit they're not drunk they're fucked up." They talked briefly or whatever. I noticed this girl was mugging Maria hard. I didn't say anything about it because for one, Maria is drunk and who knows how she'll react? And two, I'm not going to be the one to ruin everyone's good time. I guess the table was weak or just wobbly because Maria fell back and landed on Tyson. The girl started laughing but Maria was too drunk to notice.

"Ain't shit funny hoe," I snapped causing Box and Dallas to look at me funny. I'm the peacemaker, not the problem starter so I know they're just surprised.

"Whoa Sophia," Dallas frowned. "What's with the attitude?"

"Nothing," I mumbled cutting my eyes at him. I don't know what it is but this girl upsets my soul. Maria wobbled over to the bar and joined Drew in his grind fest.

"I think that's our que to leave," Box said when Drew fell off the bar, taking Maria down with him. I laughed at that because it was funny.

"Yeah let's go before someone gets hurt." We rounded up all our people and put them in the cars. "What about Tyson and them car?"

"They knew they were going to get fucked up so I drove since I don't drink too much. I'll follow you to help with them."

"Alright." I got in the car and drove off to the house. Box carried a sleeping Maria and Selena upstairs to their rooms. "Thank you so much for the help Box. And tonight. I actually had fun."

"Aye no problem Sophia. After that thing with the missing drugs we all needed a stress reliever. And I'm glad your homebody ass had fun." I opened the door and Drew was trying to climb out the window. "Let me go before this nigga fuck up my car."

"Yeah alright. See y'all tomorrow."

He was somewhat distracted by Drew was halfway out the car. "Yeah alright check you later babe." He kissed me and ran off to stop Drew. I closed and locked up before running upstairs. I fell back on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

I couldn't help butsmile. Box kissed me. He called me babe.

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