Chapter 19

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Chase in mm 😁😁

Maria POV


Once the place had been cleared out my installation team arrived. I'm still in contact with some of papi's old workers who are loyal to his legacy. There weren't too many people I could trust after his death especially with the all out war that happened shortly after. When he died his allies split his empire up and began killing one another for more territory. Guys who were best friends are now being forced to kill each other because of greed.

"Chase!" I jumped on him. Chase is one of my guy best friends. He's the only person from my old life I've contacted since we left. It feels good to have him back again. I can feel Dallas burning a hole in the side of my head.

Chase laughed. "What's up little mami?" his people started bringing in his stuff. "I'm glad to see that you're okay. I was worried about you."

"I know," I sighed feeling bad I didn't contact him sooner. "A lot of shit went down and I didn't have the time to reach out to anybody." We continued talking a little until everything was in the trap. "Alright Chase, we're missing a lot of drugs and we need to figure out what's going on."

"Alright. Same system?" I nodded. "Alright. We gotchu." He barked orders to his people and they went at it. It was late so I went into Dallas's office to catch a few z's. After a couple of hours I felt someone shaking me. "Time to wake up mami. We got everything up and running."

"Alright how does this shit work?" Dallas rude ass said.

Chase ignored his attitude. "Everything is top of the line shit that P-"

"Ahem," I cleared my throat and gave him a look. I may have told Dallas my dad was in the drug game but I never disclosed who he was. I've gained some trust in him but not enough to give that much sensitive information.

"Plenty of top drug lords have set up in their trap," Chase saved. Dallas was looking at us suspiciously that I ultimately ignored. "It's all wireless and practically invisible. Fire proof, water damage protected all that. You can check on things from anywhere with satelite. It's really simple actually. If you're confused Maria can explain it since she's worked with this before."

"Can't someone hack into this?" Tyson asked.

"It's virtually unhackable. Firewall thick as Maria's head." I smacked him in the back of the head playfully and they chuckled. "But seriously, this system is way advance. Almost military advanced. It can detect fishy activity and notifies you when some shit is happening. It's a system that's always thinking ahead. Made for this business."

"If it records everything we do isn't that setting us up for some shit?" Box asked.

"Like I said, this system was designed for this business. It recycles video feed every 72 hours. If you need it deleted sooner all you do is go on any eletronic device and delete from wherever. Let me see one of y'all phones." Speed gave him his. He did a few things on the laptop and the feed from the cameras came onto his phone. "There's a passcode to delete it and Maria will give it to y'all later. You can also put this on a schedule, shuts down at a certain time and shuts back on at a certain time."

"What if someone breaks into the trap?" Box asked.

"As soon as someone steps foot in the doors, windows, or anywhere after curfew the stem immediately shuts on and records everything. It goes into night vision mode to keep from being detected."

"This is fly as fuck," Drew said. "We need to have this in all the traps man. Less work for us."

"I hope y'all know this is expensive equipment," Chase said. "On the black market just the camera's can range from a million up. The system itself is rare and very few can manipulate it the way I can."

"How come?" Dallas asked.

Chase smirked. "Because I developed it. I owed Maria a favor so I installed this for free but next time it's going to cost big. But if you do want more set up Maria knows my number. Which she doesn't use."

"Shut up," I said. "Thanks Chase you the real MVP."

"No problem mami. Don't go ghost on me no more." I rolled my eyes as he left.

"Now that that's over I'm going home. Bye negros." I hugged them and left. I'm tired as fuck.

Dallas POV


We've had this system in for almost a week now and Maria wanted us to see what was up. She apparently found out who's been stealing and how. Now we're all in my office sitting around the meeting table waiting to hear what she found.

"Hola putos," she sat on my desk. "I've actually seen this before at my papi's old set. He was missing a bunch of drugs before I noticed what was going on." She turned the computer screen towards us so we can see. "Now pay attention Drew."

He sucked his teeth. "Why your long head ass call me out?"

"Shut up and watch." Everything seemed normal to me. The workers were working. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She then showed us some footage from the restrooms. "Do y'all see it?" We shook our heads no. She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. She rewinded the footage. "Look at table five girl three." We did. Every so often she would leave her work area to go to the restroom. "Look at how she walks going to the restroom and coming back."

"She looks like she got something stuck up her ass," Drew said. We chuckled.

"Here's the bathroom footage." She goes in the same stall everytime. When someone is in that stall she waits even if there are free ones. Knowing what you're looking for does make it seem a bit weird. "Got it?"

"I'm still lost," Sophia said. We agreed.

She sighed. "Come on." We followed behind her. She went into the work room and stood on her table. "All eyes on me right now!" Everything stopped. "It has come to our attention that someone or some people have the audacity to steal from us. Now, I'm feeling generous today. So whoever stole our shit come forward now and you won't die." Since when did that become an option? No one came forward. "Fine. Twin, go in the bathroom and look in the last stall. It should be behind the toilet bowl." Tyson left to check and then came back with a bag of drugs. How in the hell-? "Does anybody wanna come forward now?" Still nothing. "Table five girl three up front now!" she looked scared shitless. "You!" she pointed at one of the young bucks. "Come here."

Sophia POV


I don't know what Maria has up her sleeve but this is interesting to watch. "Drop your panties and lie on the table."

"W-What?" the girl looked terrified. Maria punched her in the face. The girl started crying.

"Shut the hell up. Do what the fuck I say." She dropped her panties and lied on the table with her legs spread wide. My eyes may never be the same. "Now I don't want garbage pussy juice all over me so you'll do the honors youngin."

"What?" she pulled her fist back and he flinched. "Alright! Alright! Alright! Alright! I'll do it." He hesitated before shoving his hand inside of her. The girl, cried, winced, and squirmed. He pulled out a bag of drugs.

"Whoa," you heard throughout the crowd.

"Now, no matter how worn out her pussy is she couldn't get the amount of drugs that's been missing daily inside there. Someone is helping her. Anyone care to come forward?" I looked at all the faces and a few looked too scared to move. "No one? Hmm. Take her to the torture room. We'll find out eventually. Until then, no one and I mean no one leaves this trap. You sneak out trust and believe I will find and I will kill you in the worst ways imaginable."

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