Sequel to the Sequel ?

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Hi everyone!

So, first off, I just want to thank you all for the amazing support you have given me and this story. From Blood of a Pirate to Heart of a Pirate the response was been overwhelming and I am extremely grateful. Milah's story has always been one of my favourites so I'm incredibly happy that so many of you have enjoyed it too.

Next order of business is the sequel to this book, AKA the third book in Milah's series. I'm interested and curious to know how many of you would actually be interested in a sequel. It would take place in the third movies, At World's End, and follow Milah's journey through that storyline.

So, the intention of this author's note is to find out if you lot would like to read that next book. I know that sometimes a series can grow a little bit dull and you lose interest. Other times it can be a raging success, like I've written a series for the tv show Teen Wolf and it's currently on its fifth book (and it's last) and there is still a lot of interest, not just for me but for the readers, (shameless self promo there, I know). So, what I'm getting at is that I would hate for this series to become dull for you guys. I would of course try my absolute best to not make it so obviously, but some things can't always be helped.

So, I would really like to hear from you all and your thoughts on a third book, even if it's not a comment but a simple vote on this author's note, it would give me the reassurance I need to keep writing, (comments are highly welcomed too!). Oh, and just a little incentive is if I was to write the third book it would open up the opportunity to write another for Dead Men Tell No Tales. Though I do have future plans to one day write a Henry Turner story, because I fell head over heels for that boy, but that would only be after I finish my Jack Sparrow story, Set Your Sail Home.

Again, thank you so much for all your lovely comments and all your support. Also, thank you for just giving my story a chance, it means the absolute world to me.


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