Striking Deals and Making Promises

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Rats squeak as they run along the ground of Port Royal's prison. The stench is an unbearable mix of piss, sweat and other things Milah did not want to think about. The brunette rests against the rusted bars of her cell, Will leaning against the same bars but in his own cell beside her. Their hands are linked through the bars, resting on the dirty surface of the cells.

Milah sighs, breaking the silence, "How is it possible that even when he's not here, Jack still manages to get us into trouble?" she questions quietly and Will huffs a laugh.

"It must be a special talent of his," Milah chuckles and nods in agreement. "We'll get out of this Milah, I promise," Will swears, hands squeezing hers and she smiles facing him.

"I know. We've been in worse situations in this," she points out and he smiles.


The couple jump at the sound sudden of a door opening from behind. The two stand and turn around, hearing heels clack against the floor as Elizabeth comes down the staircase and walks over to them. "I've tried all I could but my father only has so much influence," she sighs sadly, hating that she was bringing with her bad news instead of good.

"That's okay, we didn't expect anything else," Milah reassures.

Elizabeth nods before perking up slightly, "I can however make your stay a little bit more comfortable," she pulls out two blankets from a sack she had been carrying, passing one to each of them through the bars. "I've also arranged for Sarah to bring you your meals," she said, referring to her ladies maid.

"Thank you Elizabeth, your help is much appreciated," Will nods to her and she smiles sadly.

"I only wish I could do more."

"This is more than enough," Milah assures her friend.

Elizabeth nods, "I better hurry back before my father notices I'm gone," they nod understandingly. "Will you two be okay?"

"We'll be fine," Milah states and Will nods in agreement.

Elizabeth smiles at them solemnly before turning and leaving the jail cells. The couple move back and slump against the bars once more, blankets wrapped around them, protecting them from the cold chill that settled in the cells.

Their hands link together as they rest their heads against the bars.


The couple are startled awake the next morning by the sound of keys turning into the lock of their cells. Milah stands and watches through a narrowed glare as a solider enter but she didn't struggle as they clamp the manacles back around her wrists. "Where are you taking us?" she questions, seeing Will in the same predicament.

"Lord Beckett requests your presence," the solider states as he leads her out of the cell. Milah glances at Will in confusion but her husband had no answers on why he would want to see them.

They walk together, soldiers on either side and behind them as they left the prison cells.


Milah looks around as Will and her are brought inside the EITC headquarters, the building overlooking the docks of Port Royal. They are further led into an office, newly furnished and luxurious. She catches sight of a painter standing on a small stood as he paints intricate details on a mural of a world map on one of the walls. Then she saw Beckett talking to Mercer with a roll of paper, standing in front of the balcony doors, sunlight pouring inside through the glass panels.

"Lord Beckett," the solider that had brought them in announces and the two men turn to face them. "The prisoners as ordered, Sir."

Beckett glances at them before looking down, "Those won't be necessary," he gestures to the manacles and the solider nods, fishing for the key and unlocking the heavy chains.

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