Running from Cannibals

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Milah and Will find themselves in two spherical cages, hanging from ropes over a deep chasm, the faint sounds of drums echoing from the native camp. They are chucked into the same cage as Gibbs, Marty and Cotton. "What the devil are you two doing here?" Gibbs demands in shock at seeing the couple in front of them.

"We could ask you the same thing," Milah remarks and accepts the hand he offers, standing up. "What the hell is wrong with Jack?"

"Nothing," the man shrugs, "At least nothing that is unusual for Jack Sparrow."

Milah scoffs, "Oh I disagree, unless he's gotten even more insane over the past 2 months. The man aint even speaking English anymore."

"I wouldn't put it past him," Marty speaks up and she frowns at him confused.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He shrugs and whispers, "You have to have been there."

"Why would he do this to us?" Will speaks up, facing Gibbs. "If Jack is their chief..."

"Aye, the Pelegostos made Jack their chief," the pirate nods, "But he only remains chief as long as he acts like a chief."

"So he had no choice. He's a captive then as much as the rest of us."

"Worse... as it turns out," Gibbs corrects and the pair frown at him confused. "See, the Pelegostosbelieve that Jack is a god in human form, and they intend to do him the honor of releasing him from his fleshy prison." Cotton suddenly bites Gibbs' fingers to illustrate the point causing the man cry out in pain, glaring at the mute. "They'll roast him and eat him!"

Milah and Will look at the older pirate in alarm before she questions worried and slightly afraid of the answer, "Where's the rest of the crew?"

"These cages we're in... weren't built 'til after we got here," Milah and Will look down to where the hands were holding the bones of the cage. HUMAN BONES! They instantly yank their hands with grimaces of disgust and discomfort."The feast is about to begin. Jack's life will end... when the drums stop," Gibbs informs them, and they all begin listening to the sounds of the drums echoing in the distance.

Will looks at them all, "Well, we can't just sit here and wait then, can we?"


Milah sits on the bottom of the cage, watching as the men try desperately to think of a way out. They were failing horribly as any ideas and suggestions turned into arguments and insults far too quickly. It was chaos. She sighs before her eyes catch the cliff face on the other side, vines tangled down the rocks. Looking up, she sees the rope that connected them to the bridge above was quite long. An idea hits her and she jumps up excitedly, "I've got it!" the men turned to face her curiously. "If we swing the cage to the other side and grab those vines to haul ourselves up," she explains her plan to the other with a hopeful look.

"Milah, that's brilliant!" Will exclaims.

"I know, I'm a genius!" She shrugs with a grin.

The plan is quickly told to the other crew members in the other cage and they all began moving backwards and forwards of the cage. They slowly create wider arcs in their swings as they reach for the vines on the others side. There are several loud shouts of annoyance and groans of frustration when they continue to fail and are swung back to the other side.

Finally after what seemed like forever, they are able to grasp hold of the vines and they all held on tight. "Put your legs through, start to climb!" Gibbs orders and they all begin to slowly climb up the cliff face.

"Come on men!" Will encourages. "It'll take all of us to crew the Black Pearl!"

"Actually," Leech speaks up from the other cage, "You won't need everyone. 'Bout six would do!" They all suddenly glance at each other, thinking the same thing. There were 5 people in the two cages each, 6 including Jack. "Ohhh... dear," Leech mumbles relishing his mistake.

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