A Ruined Wedding

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A dark grey sky surrounds the town of Port Royal, the threat of a thunderous storm rolling overhead. The people were either braving the gusty wind or staying inside locked in their homes, well except for some poor unfortunate sod, who was left chasing after his rampaging chickens. The wind howls against the doors, scaring the young children inside and causing tired mothers to panic at the sound of their frightened screams.

However inside a small house beside the closed blacksmith, it is quiet and peaceful.

The ashes in the fireplace are black and dusty, any smoke and flame long evaporated into the air. Strong wooden boards are dead bolted against the windows, preventing any noise escaping inside from the outside world; in fact the only sound inside the darkened bedroom was a soft snore.

That was until with a quiet groan echoes from the bed.

Milah shifts in her sleep, reluctantly waking up underneath the cotton sheets. Her big, dark brown eyes blink open, sleep fading away as her mind wakes. A tired yawn escapes her mouth and she tries to sit up only to frown as something holds her firmly in place.

Milah glances down, and her frown is replaced by a warm smile at the sight of two strong, tanned arms wrapped tight around her body. The feeling of Will's bare chest against her back sent her a comforting sense of warmth flooding through her. She let her fingers dances across his arm, smiling at the faint goosebumps that appear on his skin in their wake. Milah let her hand rest against his, fingers lacing together, shining silver rings glinting together.

Milah and Will had gotten married 2 months ago after confessing the love to each other the year before, after the dealings with the cursed Barbossa and the Black Pearl pirates. It had been a small ceremony with only 7 attendees; Elizabeth, Governor Swann (whom officiated), Mr Brown (who remained in a drunken stupor for the better half of the ceremony), and to Milah's insistence Captain Jack Sparrow, Gibbs, AnaMaria, Marty, and Cotton. They had been rather surprised when the pirates actually showed but pleased none the less. Jack had even given them each a wedding present. For Milah, she received a beautiful gold necklace and Will was given a shiny new pistol. He assured them that they had not been stolen but neither believed him.

He was a pirate after all.

Speaking of weddings, Milah is instantly reminded of Elizabeth's, which was taking place that day. Her eyes widen alarmed at the realisation that she was running late for said wedding. She was to be the blonde's maid of honour after the two women actually becoming close friends after the whole cursed pirates' debacle. The fact that Will and Milah had become a couple and that he was no longer pining after the blonde might also have been a large contributing factor. Just slightly.

Milah again tries to rise out of the only bed, only to be brought back down into Will's arms. "And where do you think you're going?" he mumbles sleepily, his breath tickling her skin as he buries his face into her neck, arms tightening around her.

"It's Elizabeth's wedding day and I have to go help her get ready," she explains, still trying to pull away with little success.

Will groans shaking his head, long brown strands tickling her skin. "Just send a letter of congratulations and stay here with me," he tells her, pressing a loving kiss to the juncture of her neck.

"Will..." Milah groans as he continues to plant kisses across her neck. "I have to go or she will kill me. I really don't want to be on Liz's bad side."

He groans in irritation but eventually lets her go.

Milah climbs out of the bed and begins to get dressed. "Remember you have to be there in an hour," she reminds as she pulls a coat over her long baby blue dress, pulling her hair out from underneath the collar.

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