Tia Dalma

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Milah relaxes back in her hammock, hat covering her eyes as the ship continues to sail against the tides. The rocking was gentle as the ship glides in motion with the waves towards their destination. She had no idea what the destination was, neither did she care all that much. She was exhausted; running away from cannibals in a bone cage would do that to a girl. Having spent a rather dull year in Port Royal, she wasn't entirely accustomed to being chased around an island.

Milah didn't look up at the sound of footsteps coming towards her, figuring it was one of the crew members.

So you can imagine her surprise when she is suddenly lifted out of the hammock and thrown over a shoulder. "William Turner! Put me down!" she squeals, already recognising her husband from behind.

"Alright," Milah suddenly finds herself dropped to the ground (gently of course, it was Will after all). She scowls as he jumps into the hammock she was previously in with a laugh, throwing his hands behind his head relaxing with a content sigh.

"Very, very rude," she pouts and he laughs before opening his arms up to her. She rolls her eyes, hating how easily she gave in before climbing back into the hammock, collapsing into his arms. She lets out a sigh, content as she buries deeper into her partner's chest, his arms coming around to hold her tight.

The two rest in a peaceful silence until Milah speaks up quietly, "Will?"

"Hm?" he hums, eyes closed on the brink of drifting off.

"Why do you think Jack wants that key for?" she wonders but Will could only shrug.

"No idea, but I know Jack. He's always got some big plan in his mind," he points out truthfully and Milah couldn't help but agree. "Don't worry about it and go to sleep. It's been a long day," he sighs, his arms tightening around her frame slightly as he relaxes back onto the pillow.

Milah nods, letting out a tired yawn. She closes her eyes, resting her head against his shoulder, allowing the gentle roll of the ship and the steady beat of Will's heart lull her to sleep.


Along the Pantano River, two longboats glide across the murky water, in a swampy area, trees with twisted roots, the branches scattering the sunlight. In the second boat Milah sat with Will, Gibbs, Marty, Pintel and Ragetti. "Why is Jack afraid of the open ocean?" Will suddenly questions Gibbs, seeing how the captain looked around the river with a wary frown.

"Well, if you believe such things, there's a beast does the bidding of Davy Jones. A fearsome creature with giant tentacles suction your faces clean off," Ragetti touches his cheek with a horrified look. "And drag an entire ship past the crushing darkness. The Kraken!" Gibbs announces and Marty turns around at mention of the word in shock, whilst Pintel and Ragetti look at each other in fear. Milah frowns at the pirate's reaction.

"They say the stench of its breath is like - ooh!" Gibbs shivers with a grimace of disgust. "Imagine: The last thing you know on God's green earth is the roar of the Kraken, and the reeking odor of a thousand rotting corpses," He smiles with a shrug, "If you believe such things."

"Well, you sure do paint a very realistic picture," Milah mutters before frowning, "This key though, will it spare him that?"

"Now that's the very question Jack wants answered. Bad enough even to go visit ... Her," he mutters and they frown, eyebrows rising at the emphasis.


"Aye," Gibbs nods but says no more. Milah could only frown, wondering who they could possibly visiting.

The longboats continues to sail through the bayou that was littered with fireflies and insects crawling up tree trunks. Milah catches sight of a green iguana resting on a tree trunk to their left. She watches it with a slight smile, curious at the exotic colours of its skin, until the iguana eats a firefly with a quick slurping sound. She grimaces in disgust and quickly looks away.

Heart of a Pirate || Will TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now