A Destiny, A Quest, and A Return

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The last of the Black Pearl's crew sail silently through the strangely quiet rivers of the bayou towards Tia Dalma's hut. News of Jack's death had reached the natives and they all stood gathered holding candles. Some stood in the shallows and others on swamplands. Some wore quiet, solemn expressions, but others were crying, silent tears streaming down their dark cheeks. Milah grips Will's hand tighter in her own as she saw all this, her own heart giving off pangs of grief as she thought of the fallen captain.

They all rose out of the boat at the end of the river and enter Tia Dalma's hut with grave expressions etched across all their faces. Tia Dalma was not surprised by their entrance and gestured silently for them to take a seat as she walks around her home, lighting every candle.

She only came to a stop when she was close to Milah. She grabs the brunette's shoulder, "Come wid me," she says and Milah follows without thought. Tia leads her away from the others and reaches for a small chest hidden from any prying eyes. She opens it after a series of locks and presents to her necklace with a clear-cut stone in the centre.

"What is it?" Milah asks as she takes the gift.

"It is needed, as are you," Tia spoke, and Milah looks at her in confusion. "Dark times are comin' and you will meet your fate, princess." Her eyes widen at the name and she touches the stone. "It will turn, become as red as the blood that runs through your heart, when you take your place upon the throne."

"When?" Milah asks, her voice quiet as she looks down at the stone.

"We shall see," Tia smiles vaguely before strolling back to the group. Milah looks at the necklace, before she slips it around her neck and hides it away under her clothing. She returns to the group and takes a seat close to Will, who was busy throwing his dagger into a table and taking it out again. She swallows harshly, feeling the weight of the necklace against her chest grow as heavy as the destiny pulling at her heart.

Tia reappears with a plate of drinks and she walks to Elizabeth first, "Against de cold... and de sorrow."

Elizabeth takes a mug but doesn't drink, and Milah can't help but think she doesn't deserve to either. She knew the blonde woman had played a bigger part in Jack's death than she was letting on. It made her blood boil under the surface, but she did nothing, said nothing. What would it change after all? Jack was dead and he wasn't coming back.

Tia approaches the married couple, and Milah takes the drink offered with a nod. Tia crouches by Will and speaks, "It's a shame. I know you're t'inking that wid the Pearl, you coulda captured the devil and set free your fadder's soul."

Will takes his drink and puts it beside him. "Doesn't matter now. The Pearl's gone. Along with its captain." He throws his dagger into the wood again. Milah looks to her husband and wonders if he was upset over losing Jack or losing his chance to keep his promise. She wasn't quite sure she wanted to know the answer.

Gibbs standing in the doorway on the side of the shack speaks for the first time since arriving, "Aye. And already the world seems a bit less bright. He fooled us all right to the end. But I guess that honest streak finally won out. To Jack Sparrow!" he raises his drink in a toast. 

"Never another like Captain Jack."

"He was a gentleman of fortune, he was."

"He was a good man," Elizabeth speaks.

Milah looks to her with a cruel stare before looking away, "He had the heart of a pirate," she toasts, before they all take a drink out of their mugs, all except Elizabeth.

Will puts down his mug, and thinks out loud, a thought unfinished, "If there was anything could be done to bring him back..." 

"Would you do it?" Tia Dalma asks and he looks towards her in confusion. They all do. "Hmmm?" she looks to Elizabeth, her eyes narrowed and slightly cold, "What... would you? Hmmm? What would any of you be willing to do? Hmmm?' she asks, looking around at them all. "Would you sail the ends of the eart', and beyond, to fetch back witty Jack and 'im precious Pearl?"

Gibbs straightens, and looks to them all before nodding, "Aye."

"Aye." Pintel stands.

"Aye." Ragetti stands.

"Aye." Marty stands.

"Awk! Aye." Cotton's parrot calls as Cotton stands.

"Yes." Elizabeth says, as if the word separated her from the others.

Milah stands last, looking determined, "Aye."

Will nods, "Aye."

Tia Dalma smiles, "Alright. But if you're goin' brave de weird, and haunted shores, at world's end, den... you will need a captain who knows dose waters."

They all look up confused as a man wearing boots descends the stairs into the room. They move to the middle of the room for a better look and all their eyes widen at the man standing before them with monkey Jack perched upon his shoulder.

"So, tell me, what's become of my ship?" Barbossa asks, taking a bite of a green apple, juice dribbling down his chin, before he lets out a loud and hearty laugh.

Heart of a Pirate || Will TurnerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora