Searching Tortuga

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Upon arriving in Tortuga, Milah and Will ask the first man they see about Jack. The weather sailor looks up at them as he peels back an onion, "Captain Jack Sparrow? Owes me four dubloons," he looks down before looking back up, "Heard he was dead."

The couple frown at him, "Well that's not very helpful," Milah states with an annoyed scowl but he merely shrugs, remaining unhelpful. She glowers at him angrily, and Will quickly grabs her hand, leading her away and off the docks to continue their search.


The two move through the port and stand on the beaches, waves crashing against their boots as they speak to a half-blind fisherman, his boat near them ready to set sail for a day of fishing. "Singapore," he answers when they ask about Jack and his whereabouts. "That's what I heard. Drunkwith a smile on his face. Sure as the tide, Jack Sparrow... will turn up in Singapore."

They thank him before walking back up the beach. "This is hopeless!" Milah exasperates. "Jack has always been good at spinning tales and his whereabouts seemed to be no different as no one on this bloody island has the same answers!"

"Calm down love," Will grasps hold of her hand, lacing their fingers together. "We'll find him," he reassures and she sighs but still nods as they move into the town.


"Jack Sparrow!" Giselle, a blonde whore that had slapped Jack the last time they were in Tortuga, smiles in a shrill voice after the couple had asked about him.

She turns to the redhead, Scarlett, who smirks coyly, "I haven't seen 'im in a month."

Giselle steps forward, "When you find him, will you give him a message?" In a sharp movement, she slaps Will across the face, his head whipping to the side.

"Oi! Watch who you're slapping, tart!" Milah warns dangerously and the two women scowl at her before they stalk away in search for customers. She rolls her eyes after them before turning back to her husband worriedly, raising a hand to his throbbing cheek, "Are you alright?"

Will nods, the sting slowly dying away "I'm fine."


The next morning, the two come back to the docks and speak to a shrimper, who had been mending his nets. Behind him, a bunch of bananas on the dock, and a goat was being loaded aboard a ship. "Nay about Jack Sparrow. But dere's a island, just south of de straits, where I trade spice for... mmm... delicious long pork. Cannot say about Jack. But you find a ship dere. A ship wit' black sails."

Milah and Will look at each other in unison, "The Black Pearl," they mutter together in realisation.

Will quickly turns back to the shrimper, "Can you take us there?"

The shrimper glances between them, contemplating before nodding, "Aye."


The shrimper takes them to the island in record time and Milah smiles at the sight of the Black Pearl beached on the island. "It's them," she nods, grabbing Will's arm in celebration.

The shrimper turns to them, closing his spyglass, "My brother will take you ashore," He informs them, gesturing to one of the men standing behind him.

"Thank you," the couple nod to him in gratitude.


Milah watches as the island's beach grew closer as his brother rows them closer. She frowns, as from where she sat, she could not see any movement on the deck of the Pearl at all. Suddenly the boat ceases movement as well and she turns to shrimper's brother in confusion. "What's wrong?" Will questions, pointing ahead, "The beach is right there."

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