Father and Son: Reunited

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Night on the Dutchman was cold and harsh, rain sinking and soaking into Milah's very bones as she slaves away alongside the crew and Will. The sound of Jones's pipe organ played a grim symphony against the torrent of wind, rain, thunder and lightning. The couple had been hauled out of the small room they had been thrown into and practically forced into working, they were a 'part of the crew' now after all.

Milah whips the wet strands of hair out of her face as she continues to pull rhythmically on a rope to pull up a canon, "Heave! Heave! Heave! Heave! Heave! Heave! ..." the crew shouts in unison with each pull.

"Secure the mast tackle, Mister Turner!" Bosun, a horrid looking crew member, called from above deck. Milah paid only a slight glance to her left as Will let go and hurried above deck. What he wasn't aware of was another crew member doing the exact same thing.

Seconds past before the hoisted canon suddenly crashes to the deck, sending the crew including Milah sprawling to the ground. Her face scrawled up in confusion as she wondered what the hell had just happened. Deciding to find out for herself she scrambled to her feet and followed the rest of the crew to the upper deck. What she saw horrified her to the very core. Will has been roughly hauled to his feet and smashed into the nearby ropes and held tight.

"Five lashes to remind you... to stay on 'em!" Bosun sentenced holding a whip in his hands, ready to crack it against Will's back.

"No!" Milah shouts and rushes forward but another crew member had already intervened, gripping hold of Bosun's arm and preventing the crack. She stared in shock at the man, puzzled on why he would stop him.

Bosun didn't seem to care as he glared hatefully, "Impeding me in my duties. You'll share the punishment."

"I'll take it all" the man replied determined.

"Will you now?" the crowd parts as Jones's voice fills the air. The captain walks towards the quarreling  members with an air of curiosity. "And what would prompt such an act of charity?"

Milah couldn't deny that she too was curious. As far as her experiences went on the Dutchman, none of the crew members were at all self sacrificing.

The man was quiet for a few seconds before he mutters "My son." he turns to look over at Will, "He's my son."

Milah gasps in shock, her hand flying to her mouth with eyes wide whilst Will struggled to look back at the man who claimed to be his father.

Jones steps forward and looks  between the two of them. Once he sees the resemblance however he begins to laugh, a cruel sound echoing above the pelting rain. "Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha! What fortuitous circumstance be this! Five lashes be owed. I believe it is." Jones takes the whip from Bosun only to offer it to Bootstrap, his tentacle curling around the shaft of it.

"No" Bootstrap gasps in horror at the thought. "No I won't."

"You cruel hearted bastard!" Milah curses but before she could charge or attempt an attack of any sort, she was gripped tight from behind by two crew members. She gasped in pain at the tightness of their grips.

"The cat's out of the bag, Mister Turner. Your issue will feel its sting be it the Bo'sun's hand, by your own." Jones states, obviously rather pleased by this sudden turn of events.

Milah struggled desperately against her restraints whilst Bootstrap struggled with his head. "No" he finally shakes his head.

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