Chapter 10: Saylor Brooke

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On June 30th Emmalynn was laying on Winnie's couch sleeping while Bucky was at summer training. She woke up and said "Mmm Winnie.." 

"Yeah honey." she said as she came out of the kitchen.

"Oh god.. mmm" she said as felt another contraction.

"Ok relax and breathe you aren't due for another two weeks honey. Let's just see if they go away if you get up and walk around maybe you have been laying to long." Winnie helped her up. 

After about 20 minutes they weren't going away and getting closer together. Winnie found the football coach's number and said "Hey Coach Baker.. it's um Winnie Barnes I need you let Barnes go early his girlfriend is in labor." 

"Ok Mrs Barnes I'll let him know." Coach Baker said 

"Barnes!" he yelled after hung up

"Yes coach.." he said 

"You are dismissed your baby is coming." he said with a smile.

"My baby... oh god she's in Savannah." he said as he went running and jumped in his truck and was trying to drive and take off his shoulder pads and he called his mom and put it on speaker phone and he said "Mom I'm on my way.. put me on speaker phone." 

"Bucky please hurry." she said through pain.

"I'm trying baby I knew this would be hard with practice." he said 

"Mmm god this hurts." she said 

"Baby breathe just breathe okay.. relax and breathe like we  practiced remember." he said 

She started to do the breathing exercises and he said "that's it baby.." 

"Oh no.. oh Winnie I am sorry my water just broke!" she screamed through pain. 

Bucky swallowed hard and said "God I should of stayed home today.." 

"We didn't know James she wasn't due for another two weeks." Winnie said

"I know mom but she was told last week that she probably going to go any day cause she was at a 3 and half and 100 % effaced." he said 

About 45 minutes later he was pulling into the hospital cause he took back roads to get home and he ran down the hall way to her room and he found her and said "Baby I'm here." 

"Good.."she said through pain

"It's time to push daddy." the nurse said 

"oh thank god I made it." he said 

They got into position and she started to push as she held Bucky's hand. After 3 pushes she pushed out their daughter by 230 PM. Bucky cut the cord and they laid her on Emmalynn's chest and she said "Welcome to the World Saylor Brooke Barnes." 

The nurse took her to get cleaned up and measured and they moved Emmalynn to her room. They brought their daughter back to them and Bucky took her and he swallowed hard and said "Hey baby girl." 

James had came in right at that moment and saw the look on his son's face the look of everything he's done in the past 3 years after Dot broke his heart to not get hurt and he said "Son you okay?'

"Yeah dad I just um I um I just." he said as he gave Saylor to him as he started to shake.

"James it's ok I felt the same way the first time I ever held your sister it's called daddy instincts. It makes you remember everything you ever did to a girl." James said 

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