Chapter 7: Another Drunken Night

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About a month into junior year she had already had enough of being room mates with Bucky. She was in her room ignoring him and he came in and said "Hey you are being mean to me again." 

"No I'm avoiding you cause you are still sleeping around and the worse part is I have to hear it too." she said 

"Emma.. " he said 

She looked down and he said "Emma look at me." 

She looked up at him and he said "Please don't cry I can't help how I am." 

"Yeah.." she said as she wiped her tears.

"Emma please don't .. " he said 

She gathered up her homework and said "I'm going to the library." 

"Emma wait please don't go upset." he said as he stopped her from leaving. 

She closed her eyes and more tears fell and he looked at her and wiped them and he said "Emma I'm sorry I can't do relationships." 

"Then don't sleep with me again you have slept with me twice now and I can't Buck my heart can't take it." she said as she left. 

She got to the library and started to do her homework. Quinn another cheerleader and flyer came over to her and said "Hey is it true that Bucky has a thing for flyers" 

"I guess so." she said 

"Awesome." she said as she left and went to find Bucky. Quinn found Bucky and Emmalynn's room and said "Hey Bucky I'm Quinn Cooper." 

"Hey Quinn you are one of the newer cheerleaders aren't you." he said 

"Yeah I am I'm also a new flyer.. which I heard you love." she said 

She walked over to him and kissed him and he started to kiss her back. About 45 minutes later Bucky had Quinn bent over the back of the couch banging her when Emmalynn walked in and she dropped everything in the floor just as Bucky was finishing. He said "Emma.." 

She picked up her stuff and ran into her room and slammed the door and locked it. "Quinn it's best you go."Through the door he heard crying from Emma. "Emma darlin I didn't mean for you to see that." he said 

She continued to cry and he said "Emmalynn come on let me in. " 

She looked at her door and then got up and let him in and she smacked across the face and he said "Yeah I was expecting that. You were the one that told her that I love the flyers I know it was cause you are the only one that has noticed." 

"So.. she asked I wasn't going to lie to her." she said 

He rested his forehead against hers and he said "You are stubborn bitchy ass woman you know that. 

Then there was a knock on the door and he went to answer it and saw their friends. They brought in some booze and they started to drink together as they played beer pong. She and Bucky were on the same team he was standing behind her and the more they drank the flirtier they got. He started to whisper dirty things in her ear and she said "Stop.. " 

"Mmm things I could do to you and this pussy that is so damn amazing." he whispered

"Stop Bucky you aren't getting any from me ." she said 

"Oh yeah.. I beg to differ." he said 

After everyone left she was in the kitchen and he came up behind her and started to kiss her neck as he unbuttoned her shorts and he whispered "let's fuck baby" 

"Mmmm" she said as he started to play with her and "oh god.." she said 

She turned around and kissed him and he picked her up and went into her room and they had sex. She woke up the next morning laying on his chest and she said "Damn you Bucky.." 

"Mmm told you." he said as he kissed her. He got on top of her and pushed himself into her and he said "Mmm baby god you are amazing in bed by the way." as he started to move. 

"Bucky oh god... god we can't do this anymore." she said

"Yes we can." he said as he started to spill into her. 

He rolled off of her and he said "mmm god I wish I could stay here but I do have class." 

"Yeah yeah." she said as she got up and went to get in her shower. He got in behind her and said "dont yeah yeah me" in her ear. 

"I'll yeah yeah you if I want" she said as she turned around.

"Oh you like being sassy don't you." he said

"I do thank you very much." she said as she pressed her forehead against his. 

"Sassy sassy" he whispered as he kissed her.

"Mmmhm stop" she whispered as she pulled away. 

"Emma.." he said as she got out of the shower. 

She started to get dressed through tears and he said "Emma.. I "

"I have class." she said as she left. 

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