Chapter 5: Moving Out

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The girls begged Emma not to move out for 3 days she wasn't budging she started to pack her stuff up stairs to her single dorm suite. She got it all fixed up the way she wanted it and Wanda said "We will be up there every day." 

She smiled and said "Ok." 

She laid down on her bed and put her ear buds in and went to sleep. Bucky came in their dorm later that afternoon and he went into her bedroom and he said 'She's already gone." 

"Yeah she moved out this morning after her new RA brought her key to her she started moving things. " Wanda said

"Where is she?' he said

"Buck she moved to get away from you so no I won't tell you where she is." Nat said 

Sam said "Buck just let her go she made it very clear that she did not want to be like Ellie and Jensen or any of the other girls." 

Emmalynn ordered herself a pizza after she got up from her nap and did her homework. The boys did their homework with the girls and Bucky left the moment that Jensen texted him to meet her in the gym. 

*2 months later*

Bucky was able to be himself without her around and he found him some new girls in the building to sleep around with. Then one day in the parking lot of the gym she was going into the gym talking to Jensen. He saw the boys go in and he went in with them and saw them warming up to "Don't Stop The Music." 

Steve looked at Sam and said "I wonder who he's come to watch. Considering half the cheer squad he's slept with." As they started their routine to "Pump It" which required Emma Jensen Ellie and Brylee up in stunts. Mckenna was doing flips across the floor and Steve said "Buck you okay?'

"Yeah.." he said 

Then "Castle" By Halsey started to play and the boys said "This is a new routine." 

"Where are the flyers' Bucky said 

Then saw them doing triple tucks in the air and landing them and going back up into a mount. "Whoa.. that was bold." Steve said 

Then they did them again and Bucky swallowed hard and as he watched all the girls that he's been with doing some scary stunts in their new routine. After they wre done the coach said "That was perfect girls my flyers you were flawless. Emmalynn I want your hair back to the red before next game no purple." 

"Yes ma'am." she said as she went to get her stuff and drink her water bottle. Jensen came up behind her and said "I know someone who can help with your hair." 

"No that's fine but thank you Jensen." she said 

She got to her car and he said "Emma." 

She ignored him and he said "Emma.." again 

"Bucky whatever you have to say I don't want to hear it so just leave me alone." she said 

He came around and said "You don't talk to the other cheerleaders very much anymore." 

"Maybe because I don't want to be part of their little group of I fuck Bucky Barnes." she said 

He looked down and she said "It's bad enough Bucky that when you look at the cheer squad there is only one girl that is not a flyer that you have fucked but there are 4 flyers and all 4 you have slept with one that's me that won't let you do it again. Do you want to know why cause I get attached easily I fall in love easy. You don't seem like the type that wants that from a girl." 

"But I want sex with you Emma you were incredible." he said 

"No.. cause I will fall in love with you and I don't want to cause I'll just get hurt okay so just go home with one of the other girls." she said 

She started to get in her car and he said "Emmalynn where's your room now?'

"I'm not telling you I told you no I don't want to sleep with you again." she said 

She pulled out of her parking spot and left the gym.He got in his truck and laid his head back and said "God what the fuck is wrong with me. "

He went back to their dorm building and he went to his room and took a shower and went to bed at 9 cause he was just done with the day. The next day Emmalynn left Athens and headed to Brunswick and had her hairdresser fix her hair. When she got back she went up to her room and texted Nat and her new Alexa echo said "Text from EMMALYNN : HEY COME CHECK OUT MY HAIR" 

Bucky looked at Nat and he said "I already know I'm not invited." as he left the room. 

The rest of them left but Bucky watched as the top of the elevator showed what floor they went to which was 5. "Geez couldn't be any further if you tried." as he went back to his dorm. Then Steve sent him a picture with the caption "Back to her Strawberry Blonde" 

 Then Steve sent him a picture with the caption "Back to her Strawberry Blonde" 

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"God she looks so beautiful with that color." he said to himself 

He went to take a shower and then did his homework and then Mckenna came over and they had sex. The next morning he woke up with Mckenna on his chest and he said "Mckenna.."

"Mm yeah.." she said 

"You need to go.." he said 

She sighed and said "You know Bucky this is getting old. Delete my number cause I'm deleting yours." as she got dressed and left. 

He took a shower and then went work out now that football season was over he had to keep himself in shape and busy since he was no longer playing basketball. 

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