Chapter 1: Meet Emmalynn

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Emmalynn was laying on the couch with her cheer practice clothes still on as she fell asleep. Nat said "You know you have a room in here right?"

"Yeah I know. I'm just that tired." she said 

Wanda rolled her eyes and said "And what are you going to do when the boys come in here and you are laying there in booty shorts and a sports bra with your fucking body all on display." 

"Shh.." she said as slowly fell asleep. 

About an hour later the boys came in and Nat said "Shh.." 

Steve said "What?'

Wanda pointed to the couch and Sam said "She has a room why doesn't she go to it." 

"Better question is who is she?' Bucky said "Cause god damn is she sexy." " he added. 

"That's our room mate Emmalynn Spencer she's from Brunswick." Carol said 

"Shh.." she said as she rolled over and then saw the boys and sat up. She swallowed hard and said "You girls could of woke me up and said hey put some clothes on." as she started to go to her room. Bucky whispered "Fucking hell darlin" as he watched her butt.

"Bucky stop." Steve said 

Emmalynn took a quck shower and came out in a pair of cheer sweat pants and a t shirt with one of the shoulders falling off. Then she went back to the couch and laid down and Wanda said "You should of just stayed in your room if you were just going to lay back down." 

"Shut up Wanda for the love of God shut up." she said 

"Wanda just let her be. You know how she gets sometimes." Carol said

Nat came over and handed her a beer and said "Relax or for your birthday next month I'm buying you something dirty cause you clearly need it." 

"Shut up Nat." she said as she took a sip of the beer. 

Bucky came over with his beer and said "Hi I"m Bucky Barnes." 

"Emmalynn Spencer." she said 

He sat his beer down beside hers and he said "Scoot over let me down too." 

"Ok.." she said 

"Be careful Emma Bucky is a play boy." Wanda said

"He's just laying on the couch with me chill out." she said 

He laid down beside her and she said "Hi." 

"Hi.. you are beautiful with this big blue eyes and red hair." he whispered 

She smiled and said "Thank you." 

Wanda rolled her eyes and said "Anyways me and Clint have a double date with Steve and Nat we are leaving." 

"Ok." she said 

They left and Sam said "Hey Carol want to go upstairs and leave these two alone. "

"Yeah.." she said 

They left and Bucky lifted her chin and he kissed her and she stopped him and said "Bucky I .."

"Sweetheart I was just kissing you." he said 

She bit her lip and she looked down and he said "Oh .. that's not what you think it is." 

He reached in his football pants and pulled out his cup and threw it at his stuff. He said "Believe me I'm that easily turned on." 

"Do you have a boyfriend or something?' he said

"No.." she said 

He kissed her again and she started to kiss him back and he rolled them to where she was on her back and he was on top of her and started to grind against her and he reached down and untied his football pants and he moaned as he put her hand on his hard on. He pulled down her pants and started to play. She started to tremble and she moaned into his mouth as she was getting closer and then her door opened.

"I forgot my phone." Wanda said as she looked at them. "Bucky don't play games with her." she said as she got her phone off the counter and walked out. 

She looked up at him "Do you want me to leave or stay." he said 

"Um I think that you should go if that's what you want." she said 

He kissed her and he said "Maybe another time darlin when we won't be bothered." 

She looked down as she sat on the couch and he said "See you around Emmalynn." as he grabbed his stuff and she said "Yeah.." as she got up and went into her room and slammed the door. 

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