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Believing Means Nothing...

"Argh!" I groaned loudly in agony, I held my ribs and bent down catching my breath. 

"Did I tell you to talk?!" 


"Shut the fuck up!" he yelled sending his knee towards my chest, I yelled out in pain. Man had no idea what was going on, all this breh kept saying was 'me and your father go way back', I didn't understand. I clenched my eyes shut hoping that when I opened them it would all be a dream, everything would be back to normal, but that didn't work. I was fighting barely to stay conscious alongside my life being at risk. 

"Now," He pointed the knife in my direction, it was inches from me, I felt my heart skip a beat as I held my breath terrified. "I need answers." 

"Blud," I spat out saliva onto the floor coughing. "What are you on about?" 

"Tell me abit about your father." 

"I aint a snitch," I coughed sitting up right against the cupboards. "I'm not saying nizzle." 

"Is that the way you want it?" he lowered himself to my level slowly looking at me intently, I gulp quietly before nodding, I can't snake on my fam like that. 

"Alright then Courtney, suit yourself," he surprisingly turned towards the door. "But next time you will listen to me." 

"Close the door on your way out." I spat bitterly, he turned on his heels and came back towards me, the slightly bravery I had gained had now flown out the window. 

"Big man yeah?" 

"Nah- OOOH FUCK!" I screeched in pain holding my now wounded thy, he had pierced the knife into me. I cried out watching him chuckle before tugging on the knife slightly, the pain was unbearable. 

"Watch." Was all he said before rushing out the kitchen, after a few seconds I heard the door slam, I breathed in and out a couple of times before looking down at the knife pierced in my leg, blood was now forming and soaking my tracksuit. 

"Argh!" I couldn't move, at this point in time man felt helpless, all I could do was hope and pray my mum would come home from work soon. There was also another hidden emotion I felt, anger. I am more than furious with my dad, man is sick and tired of hanging on the roadside shottin' just for the likes of him, it's my life on the line after all, and cause of his stupid doing, I've now been stabbed. 

I clenched my jaw and lent over to grab the table for support, I slowly raised myself onto my knees then to my feet, I didn't put weight on my wounded side. I limped over to the living room and picked up my phone from the coffee table, I then called my mum, she picked up straight away.


"Mum I need you to come home now!" 

"Courtney," She sounded busy. "Calm down and explain to me whats wrong?" 

"Some NEXT man come up in our yard and just shanked me yeah, and man is feeling abit dizzy at the moment cah I'm bleeding alot init." 

"Ok. Say that sentence again but in full English." 

"Some man just stabbed me." the phone then went dead. I can tell that means mum panicked and ran home instead of driving her car.


"ARR! FUCK YOU!" I screamed. Mum couldn't take my foul language and walked out the room bursting into tears; the nurse cleaned the wound and bandaged it. 

"Wow," She looked at me impressed. "You were a fight fidgeted weren't ya' aye." 

"It hurt man," I groaned. "You kept tugging on the knife." 

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