Chapter 12

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Everyone's been giving me looks for the past week, because I'm friends with Mitch and Scott. I don't care. I love them, they're my best friends, and I'm never leaving their sides.

After I find Scott and give him his daily hug, I walk to my locker. When I open it, though, a piece of paper flutters out. Raising my eyebrows to myself, I unfold it. Even though the handwriting is shaky, and the paper is tear stained, I would recognize this handwriting anywhere.


I scan over the letter quickly, but I still absorb every single word.

Kirstin. Kirstie. Kirst.

Where do I start? I guess I should say thank you. For being my very very best friend for this long. For staying by my side, even when I told you my secrets. I thought for sure you would leave me when I told you I was gay. And when you didn't, I thought my self harm would scare you away. But it didn't, and I'm grateful.

I love you, Kirstin Taylor Maldonado. You always say that you're not pretty whenever I compliment you. Or anyone for that matter. But you're right. You're not pretty, you're beautiful. You just have to put yourself out there more. Not only are your looks gorgeous, but you have such a great personality. You're so bubbly, funny, and at times you're more Beyonce than Beyonce herself. If that makes sense. But if you let that show, you can make anyone fall in love with you. I hope things go well with that senior you like, whatever the hell his name is.

Just, make sure to remember me, okay? Remember the good things though. Like how we first met in fourth grade, and then years later when we were best friends, you told me you thought I was a stuck up bitch when I little? I guess it was true. I thought I was the queen back then.

Remember all of our years of stalking hot guys on Instagram. And flipping through yearbook after yearbook, pointing out even more hot guys, and the people we hated.

Remember not to long ago, how we were kinda excited to start high school? Because we might get to start over? That worked well, didn't it...

And remember me not as depressed high school version Mitch, but as middle school Mitch, or even elementary school Mitch. When I was happy.

I love you so so so much, Kirstie.

Look after Scott for me, okay?

Bye, I guess.

- Mitchie.

I don't hesitate after I finish that note. I run through the halls, pushing past people, my bag still on my shoulder. I need to find Scott. I need to find him now.

I finally do. He's standing at his locker still, a piece of paper clenched in his hands, and tears running down his cheeks.

"Scott, we need to go. Now."

He looks at me and nods.

We race through the halls and out the doors of that goddamned building. I can't lose Mitch. I can't. Not after all these years together, I can't lose him. Not now, not ever.

We run all the way to Mitch's house, Scott and I. Amazingly enough, I'm a bit faster than him, so I make it in the house and up the stairs first.

"Mitch!" I yell, knowing he won't answer, even if he is alive.

There's a note on the kitchen table, for his parents I assume.

"Scott, we need a fucking ambulance. And his parents. Call them now."

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