Chapter 4

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A/N: sorry for not updating sooner! I've been busy, but here's the next chapter! I love you guys <3


I wake up the next day at 9:00. I lay in my bed, and then suddenly I remember:


I jump out of bed and run into the bathroom, taking a nice, long shower. I fix my hair so that it's perfect, and carefully pick out an outfit. I have to look good, I tell myself.

I call Kirstie. She picks up on the first ring with a: "What's up Mitchie?"

"I'm hanging out with Scott today," I explain, "and I'm nervous. But I don't know why."

"Umm, it's because you have a humungous crush on him! Duh!" she replies, as if its obvious.

I bite my lip. "Well, I'm afraid I'm going to make things awkward," I admit. I don't want to be awkward around him. I don't want him to think I'm just this weird gay boy who has a crush on him.

I don't want to be damaged. But I am.

"Just have fun! Be yourself. Be the lovable Mitch that's my best friend. And go out and get your man," Kirstie says.

I blush. "Not today, Kirstie. Not today."

She laughs, "Have fuuunnn, Mitch."

"Whatever. Bye."


I go downstairs and have some toast for breakfast, then sit around until its 11:50. I don't want to be late.

I quickly say goodbye to my parents, and start the walk to Starbucks. It doesn't take very long, so I get there around 11:58. I look around for Scott, but he isn't there yet. I hope he didn't forget.

A few minutes later, I get a text from Scott:

Hey sorry I'm running late. Be there in a few :)

Okay, I text back.

I sit at a table, looking and feeling like a complete loner. And then suddenly I hear a voice, a voice that definitely isn't Scott's:

"Hey, loser. Waiting for your boyfriend?"


I swallow and close my eyes for a brief minute, ignoring him. Not today. Not today.

I hear the other chair at my table move. "Aw, is everything okay, Grassi? You can't get away. Your boyfriend isn't here to save you this time," Travis laughs quietly, leaning close to me.

"You're wrong about that."

My heart skips a bit. I look up to see Scott standing over the table, looking at Travis with his arms crossed.
Travis smirks. "Nice timing, Scott. Because Grassi here can't stand up for himself."

Scott looks over at me and smiles. A big, genuine smile that makes my heart flutter.

"Why don't you leave, Travis?" Scott suggests, keeping his gaze on me.

"Oh, I get it. You two lovebirds need some time to yourselves?" Travis snorts, still not moving from the chair. He's not going to leave, is he. Not this easily.

"Something like that." Scott winks at me. I feel my cheeks heating up. Oh God, Kirstie would be dying. I need to tell her about this later.

"Oh. So you want to me to move?" Travis drawls, setting his arm on the table.

"Nope," Scott says, shrugging, "Mitch and I will move. Have a good day, Travis."
I jump up and walk with Scott out of Starbucks.

"Thank you. Again," I say quietly, a bit embarrassed. It's true, what Travis said. I can't stand up for myself. It's like I can't talk, can't move, or anything when he comes around. I'm weak, I know.

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