Chapter 8

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On Monday, I'm excited to see Scott. Yesterday we talked all day, and agreed to not come out about our relationship quite yet. Hell, nobody besides Kirstie, Scott, and my parents even know that I'm gay.

When I get to school, I start the walk down the hall to my locker. But I'm immediately pushed against the wall, by... Travis. No surprise, right?

He pins his arm against my throat. "Grassi. Remember our fun little time on Saturday before your boyfriend came along?" he hisses under his breath. It takes me a minute to realize he doesn't have his friends trailing behind him. This is unusual.

"Do you?" he demands when I don't answer. I nod the best I can.

"Yeah, well, you really aren't hiding too well. I saw you fags sucking face on that parking bench."

I feel my face pale. Oh. My. God. He saw us? No, this can't be- no. I can't trust him not to tell everyone. What the hell am I gonna do?

"I-I-" I stammer. I have no idea what to say.

Travis laughs. "You probably think I'm going to make you a deal. Like I won't tell if you do something for me? Nope. I'm going to make your life hell, loser."

And he walks away.

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. I already get bullied, and nobody that would bully me actually knows - besides Travis now - that I'm gay. Shit, shit, shit!


Before lunch, I stand by my locker and wait for Scott, like we agreed. I have to tell Scott what Travis said, because that means he's going to out Scott, also. I'm terrified of what's going to happen.

"Hey, Mitch."

I look up and the blonde-haired boy's eyes.
"Hi," I mumble back, quickly giving him a hug.

"Are you okay?" he asks, concern in his eyes. I'm not very good at hiding my emotions.

"Not really," I admit, "I'll tell you outside."

Scott and I came up with a plan to spend lunch outside every other day of the week, and when we would eat inside, we'd eat with Kirstie. Kirstie agreed to give us some alone time.

When we get outside, there's only a few people out there, talking quietly amongst themselves. Some are just reading, some are listening to music. Scott and I sit under a tree, side by side, away from the others.

"What's going on? Did Travis hurt you?" he questions right away, holding my hands in his.

I shake my head. "No, he didn't hurt me, but it has to do with him," I explain.

Scott nods at me to continue.

"He saw us, on Saturday morning. On the park bench. When we kissed," I breath, closing my eyes.

When I open them again, Scott's eyes are wide. "Are you serious?" he chokes out.

"Yeah. And he told me he's going to make my life hell," I say, looking down at our hands.

I feel Scott's fingers under my chin, lifting up my head so our eyes meet. "I'm going to make sure he doesn't hurt you, Mitch. I promise," he says softly, leaning in so his lips brush mine briefly, and leaving me wanting more. But not here, not now.

"I'm sorry," Is all I say.

"Why?" he asks.

I sigh and lean forward so that my forehead is resting against his shoulder.

"For you having to deal with them because of me," I reply.

Scott raises my arm and kisses my wrist. "Oh, I'd deal with a hundred more of them, just as long as it means I get to be with you," he says.

My heart flutters. He always says the right things at the right times. He's so perfect; I don't deserve him at all.

I look around to make sure nobody can see us, and then I lean forward and kiss him. For real.

Yet I feel a shiver run down my spine as Travis's words replay in my head:

"I'm going to make your life hell."

A/N: hey guys! Sorry for not updating for a while, but I'm back! Hooray! I've been listening to Problem nonstop, and I've got the rest of PTX Vol 3 preordered so I'm good to go.

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