Chapter 3

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When I get home, I pace back and forth, trying to figure out what to do. Do I call him now? I don't want to seem desperate. But I don't want to wait either.

The floorboards creak under my feet as I walk around my room, staring at the black numbers on my hand. Finally, I sit down on my bed with my phone, and add Scott to my contacts.

I'll wait to call him. I'll wait until after dinner. Yeah, that's good.

I sit in my room, scrolling through Tumblr, until my mom calls me down to dinner. My parents are actually my best friends, besides Kirstie of course. I can usually tell them anything. I came out to them last year, and they were perfectly fine with it. The biggest thing that I haven't told them is about my self-harm.

Even Kirstie doesn't know about that.

I walk downstairs and sit at the table, eating distractedly, not listening to my parents.


I look up from my spaghetti, turning to my mom. "Yeah?"

"Are you okay? You're awfully quiet. What's on your hand?" she asks.

I blush and move my hand out of their view. "Oh, nothing, just- I- I met up with an old friend and I got his number and I..." I trail off, my cheeks burning.

"Ooh. Is he cute?" Mom asks.

Oh. My. God.

"It's Scott Hoying. From theater a few years ago," I mutter, staring at my plate.

"So is that a yes?" Dad says.

"Maybe," I admit.

"That's my son!" Dad exclaims.

I bury my face in my hands, not able to make eye contact with either of them. They would do the same thing to me if I was straight, I know. Either way, it's so embarrassing. I don't even want to know what would happen if Scott came over to my house. You don't want to know what happened when I first had Kirstie over, when they still thought I was straight. It wasn't good.

"So, have you called him yet?" Mom asks.


"Ah, I get it. You didn't want to sound desperate, right?" she says.

I nod. My mom knows me well.

"I was going to call him after dinner," I explain.

"Oh, well go call him when you finish!" Dad says.

I shovel down my food and excuse myself, running up the stairs to my room. I flop on my bed with my phone, finding Scott's name in my contacts. My finger hovers over the call button. Finally, I take a deep breath and press it.

It rings three times before he picks up.

"Hello?" he answers. My voice catches in my throat, but finally I'm able to say:

"Scott? It's Mitch."

"Oh, hey Mitch! I thought you weren't going to call, honestly," Scott admits, sounding a bit relieved.

"Yeah, I-I was busy and couldn't call until now. What's up?" I pick at some loose strings on my sweater. I'm so bad at this, I think, surely Scott won't want to talk to me anymore.

"Not much. I'm just bored. Hey, do you maybe want to hang out tomorrow?" he asks. For some odd reason, our first day of school was on a Friday, so we have off tomorrow.

"Totally. Sure. How about we meet at Starbucks?" I suggest.

Shit, it sounds like we're going on a date!

"Great. Noon?"

"Noon," I confirm.

"Great, see you then!"

We exchange "goodbyes" and hang up. I lay back and stare at the ceiling. I take a few deep breaths. It wasn't that bad, I suppose. For me being extremely awkward.

I close my eyes and end up falling asleep, thinking of Scott.

A/N: hey! I hope you guys like this story so far. Scömìche is life <3

Anyways, 5 votes for the next chapter maybe? Love youu

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