Chapter 9

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I'm scared to go to school, to face Travis. I try my best to hide my nervousness from my parents, and I think I do pretty well, because they don't question anything.

As soon as I walk onto school property, though, everything goes downhill.

"Hey, Mitch!"

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. It's one of the most popular and jerkiest boys in the whole school, Alex. He has a few of his fellow football players behind him, some of whom I don't recognize. They have never spoken to me in my life before. Why now? Only one answer that I can think of.

"Alex," I squeak.

He looks around and leans down to talk to me. "Listen, I heard some interesting news," he says.


"And?" I say.

"I heard like guys."

I close my eyes and exhale. This cannot be happening.

But it is.

Travis already told them, so who else heard? It hurts just to think about it.

"So, I'm just warning you, none of us on the football team are... like that... so don't even think about trying to hit on us or something, because it won't end well, okay?" Alex warns.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Why are straight boys somehow convinced that all gay boys are in love with them?

He walks away, his group of friends following him. That went...better than expected. But just because he played it cool, doesn't mean others will.

I walk into the school, feeling eyes on me everywhere I go. How did Travis get the word around so quick?

My phone starts beeping, indicating I have new notifications. When I get to my locker, I pull it out. They're all Instagram notifications. I open the app and scroll through all the comments. That's when I realize.

On Travis's profile, he posted a black picture and had a caption under it. It was posted yesterday night.

"On Saturday I caught @mitchgrassi and @scotthoying sucking face. Those fags are so disgusting."

I cringe and look through the comments, a few saying that it's none of his business, but the majority saying that yeah, it really is disgusting.

I put my phone away and take a deep breath. It'll be fine. Everything will be okay.

But I know it won't.

"Hey." I turn towards the familiar voice.

"Hi," I respond, looking up into his blue eyes.

"Did you see it?"

I say nothing, just nod. Scott sighs and rubs his hand up and down my arm. "Well, we had to come out someway eventually," he says half-heartedly. I shrug one shoulder.

"Scott! Mitch!"

I turn just in time to see Kirstie practically running towards us. People shoot her dirty looks as she passes, but she doesn't notice.

"Oh my God, are you guys okay?" she asks, panicked, "Has anyone done anything to you?" She looks from me to Scott and back again.

"No, no. Not yet," I reply.

"Okay," she sighs, " careful? Please?"

She gives Scott and I each a hug before she leaves again. Hopefully I'll get lucky and nothing will happen today.

- - -

I go home with a busted lip and a black eye.

I keep my head down when I get home so my parents don't notice, and go straight to my room.

I lean back and open all my social media, looking at the hateful comments.





I suppose it's all true. I hate myself. I am a faggot, I am ugly, I am fat, I am worthless.

I don't even notice when the tears start running down my cheeks.

"I'm going to make sure he doesn't hurt you."

But Scott never said he was going to make sure I wasn't going to hurt myself.

A/N: 1k reads? Thank you guys so much ily!

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