Life Changes: Part I

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Brantley's POV

I let out a quiet laugh when Presley reached back smacking my hand that was slipping into the back pocket of her jeans. I leaned in grazing my teeth over the lobe of her ear feeling a shiver trace through her body.

"Am I distracting you?" I whispered in her ear wrapping one arm around her while grabbing for the wooden spoon she had poised to hit me with. "Now Pres."

"Now B," she teased back with a quiet laugh. "Do you actually want to eat? I know two starving kids that are not going to be happy if you keep bothering me and they don't get to eat."

"They will live," I laughed sitting the spoon down on the counter turning her around in my arms dipping her back. The booming laugh coming from her made my heart lighter than it had been in a long time. "We could just order them pizza and sneak back upstairs."

"That would last five seconds with Bailey," she giggled twisting her fingers into my t-shirt locking her brown eyes with mine. "She's gonna be asking questions B."

"I know she is," I sighed letting my fingers toy with the edge of her t-shirt. Coming downstairs earlier today, seeing the bright hopeful eyes of my daughter that Presley and I were together warmed my heart and scared me to death. I didn't want to disappoint any of them. "But we explained that we were figuring things out so hopefully she will be good for a little bit."

"I know," she muttered thinking the same thing I was. That was we both knew our daughter. She would be demanding a wedding date saying we weren't getting any younger. I leaned down kissing her again just enjoying the feel of her in my arms. My head snapped up breaking the kiss when I heard a voice behind us.

"And that BGNation proves the old man has moves," Bailey said with a snicker holding my phone up in her hand. She quickly typed something as I stood there in shock. Presley stood there with wide eyes then her phone started vibrating on the counter. I wanted to really believe my daughter had not videoed me kissing her mama and posted it on Instagram tagging her.

"Bailey Kate," I growled closing my eyes counting to ten. I calmly turned around holding my hand out for my phone. She skipped over dropping it in my hand before darting over to Presley who was staring down at hers. No doubt at notifications rolling in. "Did you seriously get on my phone and post on social media me kissing your mama?"

"Sure did Daddy. #FINALLY," she grinned batting her eyes at me. Presley reached down tugging her ear then turned red at some of the comments. "Ouch Mama."

"You deserved it missy. Getting on mine is not like posting one for your friends on your mama's. It will go viral," I sighed feeling my phone start blowing up in my hand. Then it rang with Rich's name front and center. I held it up showing Presley who sighed. "What do you want me to say baby?"

"That we are figuring things out I guess," Presley said shrugging her shoulders. "That he can spin it however he needs to."

"Okay," I said nodding my head walking into the living room to answer it. I spoke to Rich letting him know that yes we were back together but I didn't have any details that needed to be shared. I hung up with him walking back into the kitchen seeing Bailey sitting on the counter talking to Presley. Or should I say Presley was talking and Bailey was feigning interest. I heard her phone ring. Bailey looked over with a wide grin.

"Mama...."she drawled with a delighted giggle. "That's Aunt Caroline."

"Shit," Presley mumbled wiping her hands on the dish towel by her try to grab it in time, but Bailey had already connected the Facetime request.

"Hello sweetheart," Caroline said with a delighted laugh. "Where is your mama?"

"Right here Aunt C," Bailey grinned batting her eyes. "Did you see?"

"Yes honey I did," Caroline chuckled making me roll my eyes. I walked over to lean on the counter beside Bailey. Caroline cut her eyes at me with a devilish smirk. "Well hello BG. Been holding out on us?"

"Recent development," Presley said taking the phone away from Bailey. She looked her snapping her fingers. "You go finish getting that room clean sister." Bailey went to poke her lip out by stopped with a look from me. She hopped down darting out of the kitchen. Presley stepped closer to me with a sigh. "That child."

"Told you how many times to change the code on your phone," Caroline laughed making her blonde ponytail bounce. I saw Bo run through the house chasing Til with a Nerf gun behind her.

"It was mine," I grumbled resting my chin on Presley's shoulder. Caroline winced before laughing. "Yea I know. Need to change mine too."

"Means it went everywhere didn't it," she snickered as Presley paled slightly. "Then I expect to see you in Vegas in two weeks then sister." Presley shook her head vehemently. Blue eyes cut to me. "You better make that happen mister. We have missed her."

With that Caroline ended the call. Presley sat her phone down refusing to look at me. Instead she sat about the task of finishing up supper.

"I'm not going B," she told me quietly. "It's too much right now. Can you just imagine all the eyes that would be on us? Hasn't been that long since you split up with Jana. So no. My mind is made up."

"Bet I could change it," I challenged leaning my head down to meet her eyes. She narrowed hers right back. I decided to take a different approach. I leaned over kissing her cheek with a smile. "But I will leave it with just that I would really like you to go with me."

I walked out of the kitchen with a chuckle knowing that would throw her for a loop more than me putting my foot down. I wanted to look back seeing her face but kept walking. The next morning, I went to roll over only to find that I couldn't. Was supposed to be a family movie night since the twins were out of school that had consisted of them almost having a fist fight after not being able to agree on a movie. Presley's phone and mine both going off to the point where we switched them off.

Cracking open an eye, I noticed blonde hair tucked under my chin only to find it wasn't Presley's. Bailey was curled up between us with her legs thrown over Presley's hip. The weight on my back had to be Bowen then. How these two had wound up in bed with us I don't remember. A brown eye cracked open meeting mine. I went to say something, but she lifted her finger up shushing me to not wake the kids. A low snore sounded in my ear making me frown at Presley. She reached over Bailey lacing her fingers with mine a content sleepy smile on her lips. I smiled back at her knowing my whole word was curled up in this bed with me. Mornings like this is what we had been missing out on while they were little.

"I have to go to Nashville today," I said quietly. "Why don't you three come with me?"

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