Reasons To Scheme

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Brantley's POV

I sat on the couch downstairs in my music room idly strumming chords on my guitar just lost in my thoughts. I couldn't get the tears that had been in Presley's eyes out of my head when she walked off my bus. Since then it had been pasted on smiles if I saw her at all. Ashley had met the bus outside of town picking her up to keep with their story. A smart man would have begged her to end things with him. But she'd walked away from me once. While she'd every reason to do it then, the fear of it happening again was very real.

In some ways that is what she was doing being engaged to him. Ashley had stomped on my bus snarling at me letting me know I was in deep as shit as Presley over this. Three nights like this in the six years we had been divorced, and what have I done every night since that weekend. Rolled over expecting to find her sleeping next to me.

Bothered me so much that I had taken to sleeping on the couch on the bus or crashing in my chair at home. Saw and felt her everywhere. Footsteps made me stop mid strum turning to see Bailey padding towards me on bare feet with her iPad in her hand. Last I had seen of Bowen earlier was he and Cam were hold up in his room playing Fortnite.

"Hey baby girl," I said with a quiet laugh at the confused look she had on her face. "What's the matter with you?"

"Daddy," she said with such seriousness I tried not to laugh. Sitting my guitar to the side, I lifted my arm so she could curl up in my lap tucking her head under my chin. She pointed at the video she had pulled up on the screen.I swallowed a groan seeing what it was. "I found this video on YouTube. It's older yes, but this guy is saying he is you. Even is on Lyn's channel but there is no way in heck this is you! For one there is the long hair. It is like almost as long as BJ's beard. No tattoos or earrings. No beard. You need to file a complaint."

"What I should do is revoke your YouTube privileges," I said with a chuckle tickling her sides making her giggle. "But that really is me baby girl. I was a lot younger then. Want me to grow it back out?"

"Heck no," Bailey said whipping around to narrow her eyes at me. She grabbed the end of my beard with a tug. "Could trim this though. Getting a little itchy old man."

"Who you calling old sassy pants?" I growled tickling her loving the sounds of her giggles. Bailey laid a hand on my cheek then glanced down at her iPad.

"You know," she said softly and pointed at the other videos. "I found Mama watching some of these lately. Especially one of you singing her song."

"Really," I said quietly not sure what to say. I could feel my daughter's eyes on me trying to judge my reaction. "Mama has seen me sing a lot over the years."

"She had tears in her eyes Daddy," Bailey muttered shaking her head. " can't let her marry Chris."

"Oh Bailes," I sighed giving her a wry smile. "That is not up to me."

"Yes it is," she growled making my eyes widen. A little finger poked in the middle of my chest surprising me. Then again my baby girl was full of sass so I shouldn't be surprised. Bailey jumped off my lap rolling her eyes as she stomped to the stairs. "You could but guess Aunt Ash is right. You are a chicken! Don't forget we have to go shopping for Mama's birthday tomorrow."

The next afternoon I pulled into my ex in-laws driveway to drop the kids off for Presley. She was at some dinner with Chris and I had to leave for a small radio tour. I had promised both kids I would be back for Presley's birthday next weekend. The twins jumped out of my truck hauling ass inside. I rolled my eyes. Then on one hand I couldn't blame them.

Bailey had called me a chicken last night. Other than jamming out a little, Bowen had held up in his room the whole weekend. I had taken them shopping for Presley today and they had grinned over what they had wound up with for her. Heading in the side door, I paused seeing Presley's mom Kate, standing there with her hands on her hips. Then Scott her dad walked in to lean against the counter.

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